juan wrote:
On Mon, 4 Apr 2016 11:26:26 -0700
Rayzer <Rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:

rysiek wrote:
Dnia poniedziaƂek, 4 kwietnia 2016 10:40:18 CEST Georgi Guninski
On Sun, Apr 03, 2016 at 09:13:30PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:

For the rest of you that might be interested, here's another source:

About your Panama Papers ... Brought to you by US intelligence
agencies with special thank to the "International Consortium of
Investigative Journalists" (ICIJ),


	And notice how the morally superior germans (though not as
	superior as their masters the aamericunts) are fighting against
	the evil icelanders!

	"a quarter of iceland's cabinet members held offshore

	...which isn't even 'illegal' to start with. 


Department of Fear @Twitter put it like this:

Purpose of #PanamaPapers:
1. Discredit enemies of the Dept.
2. Justify increased financial surveillance of the 99% in name of nabbing the 1%


"Through counter-intelligence it should be possible to pinpoint potential trouble-makers ... And neutralize them, neutralize them, neutralize them"

which Pepe Escobar notes is funded
by the "Center for Public Integrity"... IOW:

"...the Ford Foundation, Carnegie Endowment, Rockefeller Family Fund,
Kellogg Foundation and the Soros racket"

One of his commenters:

"The  Panama Papers are the exact kind of weaponized Psyops posing as
an 'activist leak' I wanted to see from Hybrid Warfare."


    Put on your Panama hat and dance the leak.

    And if you believe in the integrity of the "International
Consortium of Investigative Journalists" (ICIJ), I got a made in
Shenzhen Panama hat to sell ya.

    I never was, and never will be, a member of this racket; well,
    people asked me, and I'm answering.

    The ICIJ gets its cash and its "organizational procedure" via the
    Exceptionalistan-based Center for Public Integrity. The money
comes from: Ford Foundation, Carnegie Endowment, Rockefeller Faimly
Fund, Kellogg Foundation and the Soros racket.

    This alleged most massive leak ever was obtained by - what else -
US intel.

    But the REAL leak will never be known. Even the uber-pathetic
    Grauniad admitted, on the record, that "much of the leaked
material will remain private".

    Why? Because it DIRECTLY implicates a gaggle of Western
    0.00000000001% multibillionaires and corporations. All of them
play the offshore casino game.
