On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 8:27 PM, Stephen D. Williams <sdw@lig.net> wrote:
If that is ever found to be true, Americans would freak out. Government only has authority to the extent that they follow the rule of law. It's already the stuff of conspiracy theories. Any solid proof of unchecked ongoing abuse not explained away sufficiently, which would inevitably leak eventually for anything happening consistently
The rise and consumption of alternative media like Alex Jones, RT, Al Jazeera, etc is proof that things are not being sufficiently explained. With a Government and Corporation of secrets (engaging in things like say unchecked Gitmo abuse, ahem) there will always be much more to discover and cover. Deepweb indeed.
would cause gigantic backlash. The ultra-right gun lobby and the liberal sophisticates and others would unite and squash anyone responsible.
There was a firefight...
Now that we have instances of clear video proof to actually get at the truth
No we don't... there are no body cams on your politicians, your corporate exectuives, no feeds from their backrooms, no audio from their limos. Leaking paper is one thing, disassembling the quiet handshakes and luncheons of conspiracy is another.
Ioerror. Institutional assassination
Precisely. And it's disgusting.