On Sun, 7 Jun 2020 02:36:28 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
The Daily Hodl: Cryptographer Matthew Green Warns Access to End-to-End Encryption Is Under Attack. https://dailyhodl.com/2020/06/05/cryptographer-matthew-green-warns-access-to...
more retarded propaganda trying to sell the infinitely idiotic lie that facebook-mosad provides 'end to end' 'encryption'. "open letter to Facebook...criticizing the social network’s plans to implement E2E across all of its messaging platforms" Plans...I'm speechless... And, like clockwork : "The worst crimes, like distribution of child abuse media," free speech is the worst crime now. Oops, their mask fell off...yet again. so here we have a random pentagon website(dailyhodl.com) which publishes pentagon propaganda under the guise of...who knows what, and pushes malware from the following sources : googletagservices.com dianomi.com wp.com googlesyndication.com onesignal.com cointraffic.io font.googleapis.com yeah, nothing says freedom like the free arpanet and the free journos who publish free garbage...all thanks to TECHNOLOGY!!!