On Tue, 20 Oct 2020 21:44:37 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
We do get your position: that there is nothing good whatsoever about government, politicians, and statute laws, and no possible support for any politician can ever have any possible good outcome.
You see, your position is known well.
it's not my position. It's the liberal anarchist position and the moral sense position. And the rights position, as in "you have no right to order people around", etc.
Your position is so clear in fact it's what we could call a "black and white argument"
You can do that if you are a dishonest fucktard. So go ahead prove that trumpofascists like you have the 'g'd given' 'right' to rule their betters. But wait, no that's all a diversion. What matters here is NOT my position, but the positions of trumpofascist turds like 'grarpamp'. So don't change the subject.
Suggesting grarpamp is incapable of holding two "apparently" contradictory statements
of course he's capable of doing that. It's called being a fucking fraud.
Holding contradictory positions on purpose == being a fraud.
Now you've slightly shifted the ground
No I have not.
What I said was 'holding two "apparently" contradictory statements'
The one 'shifting the ground' is you, go figure. There's no 'apparent' contradiction here. The contradiction is as real as it gets and clearly explained what the contradiction is.
When you insist on not only your own positions to be "black white", but also remove the nuance from the actual words others use,
There's no 'nuance' in posing as a 'libertarian' and being a trumpofascist. It's the essence of being an intellectual fraud and shill. Rest of your rambling nonsense skimmed and ignored. I am well aware that yet another of your propaganda techniques is writing pages of rambling lying nonsense. If you had anything meaninful to say you could put it in two sentences.