Corporate / Government Biometric Coins are the most disgusting Freedom killing CBDC 1984 coins on the planet. Sam Altman's Worldcoin-WDC must be cancelled and stopped.
WorldCoin, JPMCoin, XRP, Libra, CBDC, etc... Even Stake, Governance, Foundationed, DAO'd... These GovCorpBank coins, being nothing but Fiat by another name, will ALWAYS be fully controlled tracked traced databased forever monitored censored regulated taxed freespeech shutdown inflating politicized CBDC nightmare against Human Freedom. WorldCoin's founder Sam Altman is completely against any Freedom that he does not control... Altman was invited to attend the Bilderberg Globalist conference in 2016, 2022, and 2023. Absolutely no Freedom there. Altman is a Jew who never built anything that truly helped free Humanity, nor couldn't be done in a more Freedom oriented way. As Israel's protests prove, there is no Freedom there either. Altman is Gay and Woke, which has been nothing but a scourge upon the West, Leftist screechers BLM Antifa raging around doing force, assault, property destruction, arson, theft murder... no Freedom there. Altman created OpenAI in 2015, then as result of that nightmare surely coming to hunt him... Altman said in 2016: "I have guns, gold, potassium iodide, antibiotics, batteries, water, gas masks from the Israeli Defense Force, and a big patch of land in Big Sur I can fly to." Altman is a hardcore Progressive Democrat Socialist who supports UBI which is proven to be fundamentally broken in real economics. Money printing and its Debt is a pox upon Freedom. Altman routinely gives many $100's of Thousands of [now AI] fleeced dollars to his Corrupt Democrats. Democrats have never uttered the world Freedom and meant it, let alone been able to define it. While in beta, Worldcoin was reported to have onboarded approximately two million fools. MIT Technology Review highlighted Worldcoin's controversial practices in low-income countries, citing that Worldcoin takes advantage of impoverished people to grow its network. https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/04/06/1048981/worldcoin-cryptocurrency... Worldcoin and Altman's funders are the worst of anti human freedom globalists. https://www.ft.com/content/f1de2aee-ee13-45e1-bd61-0a269cd650d3 https://techcrunch.com/2023/05/25/sam-altmans-crypto-project-worldcoin-got-m... TechCrunch reported that hackers had been able to steal login credentials of several of Worldcoin's operators' personal devices including their credentials to the Worldcoin operator app.