Been referred a couple of times now, and finally spent the necessary time to properly absorb Spooner's The Science of Justice. I am indebted to those who have encouraged me to do so. Thanks in particular to the quiet and gentle persistence of Juan. So. Very. Compelling. Who, if anyone, disputes, could dispute, might dispute, or suggests any possible dispute whatsoever, of any of the foundations Lysander states in such simple terms, and if so, which ones (quote of relevant verbiage appreciated)? : Black and white absolutes allowed, nuanced views encouraged, statists, fascists, nihilists, anarchists and all others encouraged, presumptions tolerated, projections gladly received, ad homs and straw men shall be summarily mocked and enjoyed by all. <drum roll> <royal trumpets introducing the knights of the argumentus> <pallid and slightly high pitched eunuchian voice> Hear ye! Hear ye! By royal order of the ghostly spirit of Lord Spooner, Let the disputations begin.