Flouncy Mouncey's out!! This is plain terrible for Australia's clean sweep of intenational women's handball, folks - please write your ministers immediately and demand Mouncey be allowed on our national team! Of course this won't change the ultimate outcome - Aussie sheilas are kick arse sheilas, already towering over the tiny Asians - but the point spread is going to reduce significantly and we just can't have such shame for Straya! And we might even lose a match or two over the season! It's almost unthinkable. The shame, the shame! Just devastatin! HANDBALL HATE! Man Pretending to be a Woman Handball Player Excluded from Australia’s National Women’s Handball Team http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/handball-hate-man-pretending-to-be-a-woman-han... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SJYdXj7Kac Handball has always been one of my favorite sports, and I finally figured out why – everybody in it is a secret neo-Nazi! https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2019/12/17/australian-women-take-stand-bloc... Australian transgender handball player Hanna Mouncey is lashing out after being excluded from the national women’s team, because several of the female athletes did not want to share shower space with him. Mouncey claims that several members of the team, as well as the team’s manager, said they did not want the player who was born a man changing with them and showering with them in the locker room facilities in Japan. “I can confirm that yes, I was left out of the team for the World Championships because there was a group of players within the team, supported by the team manager, who did not want me showering or using the change rooms before or after the game. This was, in turn, the sole reason given to me by our coach for my non-selection,” Mouncey wrote in an op-ed for the Star Observer. Imagine that – these bigots have a problem with a fellow washing her feminine penis next to them. What year is it? ... It’s current year, and some people still think having a dick and balls excludes you from being a woman. ... On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 07:25:24PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Folks the following is the epitomy of the zeitgeist - how can this even be happening, it's 2018 already I'm literally shaking.
Thankfully, this be "Our Tranny", shredding the fields in women's sports, so go nationalism right? :D
This be some medicine that the politically correct crowd are in desperate need for - if we gonna turn our world upside down, Australia better benefit from it.
Yo :)
Did I mention "yo"?
----- Forwarded message from Google@StealsDomains.com -----
From: 1488anon@GoogleAndGodaddyStealDomains.com Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 19:16:34 +1100 Subject: FINALLY - a valid use for trannies - DEFEATING SLUTS!
Less than a year ago, I could never have imagined saying "Fella's, we've found a use for trannies."
You might like this :D
God that's good!
An Aussie bloke defeating sports-pretender sluts all across Asia, and hopefully the world! :D :D
GO Australia!
Enjoy <cheeky garfield smile>
-- Swastika-clad Russian Neon-Nazi Minx hunter since AT LEAST 1488. Da Ministry of Da Triggering.
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