On 10/26/2017 12:11 PM, jim bell wrote:
*From:*Volunteer <getalookatmyf@cock.email>
jim bell jdb10987 at yahoo.com Fri Oct 13 05:42:04 PDT 2017
eliminate taxes tax bitcoin owners gibs me 1/1000th
Lol. What a libertarian. Sounds more like a tyrannical king. Gibs me 1/1000 nights with your wife.
You have a very vague objection. Nevertheless, I will address it. Freedom is not free. Like other products, it costs money, and a person who offers the possibility of it is not responsible for the lack of it. For instance, the local grocery store doesn't make me hungry, though it sells products to relieve my hunger. Walmart sells tens of thousands of products, but it doesn't make me need any of them. Do you already resent product-sellers who offer products that you need or like to have? If not, why not?
I'd like to offer people freedom. Ideally it wouldn't cost anything, but that's not possible now. 22 years ago, I invented/discovered my AP concept, and since then virtually nobody has argued that if properly implemented, it won't work. The cost, in principle, would be exceedingly low. For instance, it looks like the new Defense budget for America will be over $700 billion. AP could easily protect the region formerly known as "The United States" for less than 1/100 that. ($7 billion could kill 700 threatening world leaders, and each of their successors, if the cost to kill one is $10 million.
Are you willing to dispute this?
To play devils advocate AP with a good sized budged might make the world balkanize into territories controlled by warlords who never come out of their forts. Sadly there probably will always be people who think they can't die or who become scarier than anyone who would try to assassinate them. If one were a tin pot dictator one might hedge their bets by creating an account with a 20 million dollar reward to kill anyone who assassinated them. Of course there will probably be assasins who don't believe they will be caught or recognize the risk and are willing to take it. The period before the Taliban took over in N Afghanistan might be a real world example of AP. Not sure but i do remember people being sold simply for money.
Very likely, the actual problem is that you are a Statist. A Statist is a person who wants government, or believes in government. Maybe not all governments, but at least one government. He believes in government, probably in large part, because he thinks he will be (or already is) in charge:
Jim Bell