"...hryvnia is the only legal tender in Ukraine, adopted by all natural and legal persons without any restriction on all territory of Ukraine for the transfer and settlement. <...> Issuing and turnover any other currencies [besides hryvnia] and using of money surrogates for payments is forbidden<...> Given the above, National Bank of Ukraine considers "virtual currency/cryptocurrency" Bitcoin as a money surrogate that isn't providing real value and can not be used by individuals and entities on the territory of Ukraine for payments, because it is contrary to the norms of Ukrainian legislation. <...> However, the international distribution of such payments attractive for illegal activities, including money laundering and financing of terrorist activities. We emphasize that user is responsible for all the risks in use "virtual currency/cryptocurrency" Bitcoin. National Bank of Ukraine as a regulator is not liable for risks and losses associated with use of "virtual currency/cryptocurrency" Bitcoin. In order to protect consumers rights and safety of money transfer, National Bank of Ukraine encourages citizens to use services of only those payment systems/settlement systems, which included the National Bank's Registry of payment systems, settlement systems, participants in these systems and service providers of payment infrastructure." So it's not says Ukraine bans Bitcoin (some media already published such statements), it says Bitcoin already illegal in Ukraine, as any currency besides hryvnia, and says govt isn't responsible for any risks with using Bitcoin. Official statement: http://bank.gov.ua/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=11879608&cat_id=80928 (in Ukrainian) Law of Ukraine "About National bank of Ukraine": http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/679-14 (in Ukrainian) -- https://nesterov.pw GPG key: 0CE8 65F1 9043 2B11 25A5 74A7 1187 6869 67AA 56E4 https://keybase.io/komachi/key.asc