fundamentally, you must work with people who you have established you can trust, or expect to be sold out otherwise...
Lawyers are tricky fucks, ask them to put their skill up against fully reimbursing you for impact of losing your case, and they won't do it, not even if you offer to prorate it based on the negotiated and agreed odds [1] of your win or loss. They take your money win or lose, or walk on contingency. And if it's say civil suit where you stand to win money [2] larger than a more than generous hourly rate up to say a $75k salary for the year just from your case alone, which you would happily offer to pay, they'll still try to weasel you out of 1/3... why, for what? [1] Which is strange to do because the non--discretionary win / loss parts should be foregone as it seems AI based science applies, whoever's Watson is better at common / statutory / process law wins. Unfortunately corporate and other courts can throw $huge AI at poor defendants. At least until defendants get wise and band together to build their own mining pools into existance ;) [2] There are two situations... cases where one is fighting to get lost money back (such as business or family gone wrong), and cases where one is fighting for new money (such as being beat by a cop for no reason, or other rights,).