In the spirit of Crazy Horse List: cypherpunks Subject: Bids on Wolfwitz's assassination From: Tim May <timcmay () got ! net> Date: 2003-07-29 16:40:55 http://www.pentagon-terror-market/ WOLFOWITZ, PAUL: ODDS FOR ASSASSINATION BY 2003-11-15: 7:3 ODDS FOR NECKLACING OF HIS FAMILY MEMBERS BY 2004-02-15: 12:2 ODDS THAT NEXT PENTAGON BLAST WILL TAKE HIM OUT BY 2003-10-05: 7:1 I guess now that the Pentagon is setting up a murder pool it can't be illegal for us to do it. --Tim May, Corralitos, California Quote of the Month: "It is said that there are no atheists in foxholes; perhaps there are no true libertarians in times of terrorist attacks." --Cathy Young, "Reason Magazine," both enemies of liberty. Reposts assaulted to taste