Are people even aware that he gave only 1,000$ to this political movement?
It's not like if it was 250,000 $, which would still be nothing compared to Mozilla's funding.

I can't help to wonder how the hell they manage to spend their hundreds of meellions. Doesn't quite feel like free software now.

Le 29 mars 2015 21:54:13 CEST, Jason McVetta <> a écrit :

On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 11:23 AM, Y G <> wrote:
The actual issue with the whole Brendan Eich thing was that it was
basically just LGBT people being played off of Firefox for money.

That sorry scene struck me as more of a public stoning.  A reminder to all who were watching, that a life's work contributing to the good of humanity (i.e. Free Software) means nothing.  Toe the official line on culture issues, or you will be ruthlessly eliminated.