Lefty Eco-Wokester Sen Warren Debunks S.Claas on Bitcoin Crypto Electricity Power Energy Consumption Global Warming.
Add it ALL up, the ENTIRE Global GovCorp Fiat Banking Finance Monetary and Markets Systems, and ALL that goes into it... crypto uses nothing in comparison.
Elizabeth Warren Claims Finance Is An Enormous Greenhouse Gas Emitter https://twitter.com/SenWarren/status/1475541998522224643
All-in, crypto and bitcoin beats in both net and efficiency... https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/research%3A-bitcoin-consumes-less-than-half-... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu156PvA-NI Crypto enables expression of values https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFYKq5Qe1Bs Crypto advances renewables https://bitcoinminingcouncil.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZP3aXUnEoo https://bitcoinminingcouncil.com/ https://nydig.com/research/report-bitcoin-net-zero https://kingsbusinessreview.co.uk/bitcoin-solution-for-energy-transition https://www.oilandgaslawyerblog.com/mining-bitcoin-a-solution-to-gas-flaring... https://twitter.com/BrianRoemmele/status/1453761177201242116 https://bitcoinist.com/btc-the-lightning-network-s-energy-consumption-vs-the... https://twitter.com/DWildcatters https://twitter.com/sarah4rrc How can you compare ENERGY without comparing armored trucks, employees, employee energy going to from work, etc. There's much more to energy than face value electric costs. FOR THE ENVIRONMENTALISTS (that only real the comments).... [QUOTE] Galaxy Digital also showed that a significant part of the world's energy production is wasted — about 2,205 TWh per year which is 19.4 times that of the Bitcoin network. "Though the revenue associated with mining varies, miners have the luxury of flexibility, with the option to switch their equipment on or off at any time,” according to the report. “This makes Bitcoin mining the ideal energy sink: anyone, anywhere, can monetize excess energy by plugging in equipment and switching it off at their convenience. One example of where Bitcoin mining acts as an energy sink is in oil fields, resulting in a direct reduction in methane emissions." According to the report, oil fields currently generate about 40 percent of the world's energy. However, they also frequently produce methane as a byproduct, whose greenhouse effects are 25 times as environmentally damaging as those of an equivalent quantity of carbon dioxide. "Bitcoin mining offers a solution,” the report suggested. “Companies like Great American Mining, Upstream Data, and Crusoe Energy Systems are building infrastructure to capture this methane at the wellhead and use the otherwise-wasted gas to mine bitcoin. This means that oil producers can ensure a 24x reduction in emissions compared to venting that methane into the atmosphere.” [/QUOTE] Forbes wrote an article when Bitcoin was $10B market cap and said if Bitcoin 100x to $1T market cap it would consume the energy available on the entire earth today. Market cap increased 100x but energy use only increased 5x. It's not about the amount of energy but the type of energy. Bitcoin is the only viable flexible base load energy consumer. Brian Brooks explains it really well in this video. https://twitter.com/KarlssonAlex1/status/1484237667781038088 Remember when all those Texans froze to death during that cold snap? That's because they built capacity for the good times. Now they are building capacity for the bad times and it is bitcoin miners who consume all the energy in the 99% of times they don't need max capacity. Without bitcoin miners they could not have financed it. POW will be vital for the green energy transition because you need flexible baseload consumers to make it economically feasible. None of the 'Bitcoin is bad because of muh energy' crowd even knows what a flexible base load consumer is, let alone that they can come up with an alternative to bitcoin mining. They come up with things like hydrogen production. You can't just shut down a hydrogen plant within 7 seconds as bitcoin miners are required to do in texas. Then there is methane gas flaring and venting. It is responsible for ca. 2% of global warming. The potential electricity generation of (just the reported) flare gas is 6x what bitcoin currently consumes. Within 5 years every single oil company on the planet will be mining Bitcoin to meet their climate goals;) For small and/or remote drilling sites Bitcoin mining is pretty much T.I.N.A. It will turn Bitcoin into a net negative emission industry. The only net negative industry on this planet.https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/26/exxon-mining-bitcoin-with-crusoe-energy-in-n... https://blog.upstreamdata.ca/ https://www.crusoeenergy.com/blog/5t1IxNQ1ZxTDc2OvaBEERn/green-bitcoin-minin... Still, ignorance can win. Greenpeace demonized nuclear energy and all we got in exchange for it was more coal. So Bitcoin could meet the same faith as nuclear. We should try and prevent that by educating people on the type of energy instead of the amount of energy.