AK47's are useless? The Afghani's repelled the Soviets with manual-action rifles from WWI and WWI. Then took their AK47's and repelled NATO. And the Taliban is still there. So I think they'd take exception with this. But there are good points to it. The ability for insurrection is largely overstated. But nothing is impossible if you're willing to die.
On 09/21/2016 12:03 PM, Xer0Dynamite wrote:
Show me the Law(s) that makes it so.
Guns make it so. Law enforcement owns about 99.9% of all the military style weaponry.
Have you ever seen this bit @Popehat:
In 1776, when the height of military technology was a musket and a cannon, both of which you could make by melting down church bells, there might have been something to it. When the contest was little more than numbers of guns you could drag through the woods, and how to play the weather, the government probably did need to worry a bit about insurrection and that might have kept them a bit more honest.
However, the first time someone tried that kind of thing, it didn't work out so well. In fact, Shays' Rebellion just led to Constitutional tweaks to make the federal government that much stronger. The Civil War led to even more, with harsher consequences.
If 13 states, with the assistance of at least one superpower, didn't manage to get their way through armed insurrection, what the hell makes anyone think that armed insurgency is going to preserve our right to whatever not have affordable health care, or to coffee cups that say "Happy Birthday Jesus" on them?
Ok, fine lets come up with a cause worth fighting for.
Lets say that Obama refuses to step down in 2016, and he not only declares himself dictator-for-life, but he also starts dressing like Ghadaffi, decrees that the national religion shall be Islam, the national language will be Klingon, there will be an efficient rail network in the United States, the writ of Prima Noctae is now in effect, and there shall be martial law to enforce all of the above, as well as any other laws that the President invents, on a daily basis.
We managed to preserve our right to keep military grade rifles and machine guns, so we all muster down on the Town Common with our guns.
We tried voting.
We tried protesting.
This is a reasonable time to start with the armed insurrection stuff.
So, you, me, all our neighbors, hell our entire city builds a perimeter around it. We fill sandbags, we all have ammunition, we all have food, water, supplies, and most importantly, we are all unified and in complete solidarity.
And we stand there, resisting whatever it is the government was going to do to us.
And then they fly over with one jet, dropping one FAE bomb, and roll in with three tanks, and in about 12 hours, our "resistance" is reduced to a few smoking holes.
The Tree of Liberty will get its manure all right, but it will be the manure that you s