On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 5:09 PM, Cathal Garvey <cathalgarvey@cathalgarvey.me> wrote:
... To me this has all the hallmarks of an unfortunate accident, and after reading the pilots' fire explanations, both of which referenced real-world examples, I'm pretty happy to agree with the experts in aviation over the Intel wonks looking for Cyber Pearl Harbour or the media fools looking for an amazing scoop.
part of me wonders if airtrans tampering is like cutting transoceanic fibers - a nuclear option no sane actor considers. (the CIA was crazy on LSD, power, coke, and testosterone during their early fatal flight fuckery days in commie theaters [read: legally insane]) when was the last time you heard of any serious black ops taking down birds? (low tech individuals or loosely grouped fanatics not applicable) i do recommend private flights, however. TSA does poor frottage (~_~;) --- other overblown fears: - clowns - the other