On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 20:57 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
stumbles on a weirdo sending spams to the cypherpunks list about some “traffick boss” character
who is this guy? why so many spams to this list on these two words?
a research team is set out to investigate this
rebel worker 2: “oh we’ve been studying traffick boss for some years now, he’s a criminal government contractor, but now he’s in prison and all”
(well that’s a relief, traffick boss in prison, that’s a big relief. wouldn’t want any … horrifically high-stakes trafficking crimes going on under the noses of government clients! no sirree! it sure is a good thing this “traffick boss” character is in prison (and not out trafficking government employees or whatever!) rebel worker 2: “yeah, it was really hard to get him shoehorned into a prison, but (after studying his work for a while we just went out and grabbed him, horriffic danger be damned” so traffick boss is _really_ _truly_ stuck trapped in a prison, _unable to infl- (oops