Alex Anne Dietrich @DietrichVFA41 Strike fighter. Cloud lover. United States Joined May 2021 Tweets 3,007 Following 202 Followers 24,379 Likes 25,303 606 Photos and videos Tweets Tweets & Replies Media Search Alex Anne Dietrich @DietrichVFA41 3h I’ll be talking #UAPs on @NewsNation tonight at 8p MST. 🛸☁️🐦🧐 What are your questions? #ufotwitter 175 103 7 654 Alex Anne Dietrich @DietrichVFA41 Jun 8 Listening to @NPR 1A discuss the NASA UAP Independent Study #ufotwitter npr.org/podcasts/510316/1a 1A Listening to the news can feel like a journey. But 1A guides you beyond the headlines – and cuts through the noise. Let's get to the heart of the story, together – on 1A. npr.org 8 17 1 124 Alex Anne Dietrich @DietrichVFA41 Jun 7 #ufotwitter lm.facebook.com/l.php?u=cnn.… 10 8 1 79 Alex Anne Dietrich @DietrichVFA41 Jun 7 Despite Stigma, UFO Survey Finds 19% of Academics Say They’ve Had Strange Sightings #ufotwitter news.virginia.edu/content/de… Despite Stigma, UFO Survey Finds 19% of Academics Say They’ve Had Strange Sightings A UVA professor talks about collaborative research that sought academics’ opinions on unidentified aerial phenomena, and why it matters. news.virginia.edu 28 78 2 469 Alex Anne Dietrich @DietrichVFA41 Jun 5 I, too, have questions. 🤔 Mick West @MickWest Jun 5 So @DoD_AARO, a large team of experts from science and the Intelligence community, have seen no credible evidence of off-world technology. But Ross Coulthart and Leslie Kean have? How does that work? 69 78 5 592 Alex Anne Dietrich retweeted David Field Sculptor @DavidFieldSculp Jun 5 Replying to @DietrichVFA41 Bye the way, theres a new killer hashtag in ufoland. Its #potentiallysupposedly That pretty much sums up most of the ufo evidence alerts on #ufotwitter these days. I love it. AI Image of ufo reverse engineering facility. #ufoartclub #ufo #uap #aiart #commissionerofgeneratedimages 1 6 Alex Anne Dietrich @DietrichVFA41 Jun 5 Is the #UFO catcher trying to catch the #UFO or is it a #UFO trying to catch things? #ufotwitter #existentialquestions 16 5 120 Alex Anne Dietrich retweeted April Bathory @AprilBathory Jun 4 We just got in some new stuff at work with #UAPArt that @DietrichVFA41 might like to add to her collection 👀🛸 1 7 Alex Anne Dietrich @DietrichVFA41 May 31 NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV piped.kavin.rocks/live/21X5lGlDOfg… via @YouTube #ufotwitter NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV Direct from America's space program to YouTube, watch NASA TV live streaming here to get the latest from our exploration of the universe and learn how we dis... youtube.com 14 14 1 122 Alex Anne Dietrich @DietrichVFA41 May 30 #uapartclub Bridget Anderson @Bridget49838665 May 29 Replying to @DietrichVFA41 He does amazing work! 1 2 33 Alex Anne Dietrich @DietrichVFA41 May 28 #uapartclub Olof Röckner @olof_rockner May 26 Time-lapse painting from 2023. Commissioned painting featuring an alien UFO encounter in the Rocky Mountains. Acrylic paint and posca pens on a 50 x 70cm MDF artboard. Music: Abductees by Nozzlin Check out Nozzlin at Soundcloud and Spotify! 👽🛸 💜👁💜👁💜👁💜 #ufotwitter #UFO… nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… Show this thread 10 12 1 116 Alex Anne Dietrich @DietrichVFA41 May 28 Sunday's Cloud: mailchi.mp/cloudappreciation… #clouds ☁️ @CloudAppSoc ☁️ A Cumulus cloud over Tucson, Arizona, US spotted by Ernesto Astiazaran (Member 59,557). Sometimes, less is more. 13 3 1 129 Alex Anne Dietrich @DietrichVFA41 May 26 #ufotwitter cheese poofs 🛸 👽 👀 @LesserEvilSnack 7 3 100 Alex Anne Dietrich @DietrichVFA41 May 26 #ufotwitter 🛸 bedding. Want or need? @Target 32 8 231 Alex Anne Dietrich @DietrichVFA41 May 7 Birthday party #ufotwitter face paint and #tictac balloon art 🤩 47 15 3 492 Alex Anne Dietrich @DietrichVFA41 May 7 Black Box Bakery serving up the #ufotwitter vibes 👀 🛸 😋 space + pastry = spastry #Denver 22 5 2 167 Alex Anne Dietrich @DietrichVFA41 Apr 30 Definitely opting for the unlimited mileage and prepaid fuel on this rental. Maybe I should get the extra insurance & GPS? #ufotwitter 40 18 3 360 Alex Anne Dietrich @DietrichVFA41 Apr 20 One day after the #UAP hearings? #ufotwitter @nytimes 13 8 127 Alex Anne Dietrich @DietrichVFA41 Apr 20 Nasa says flash over Kyiv was not its satellite #ufotwitter bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-… Blinding flash over Kyiv was probably meteor, says Ukraine space agency Nasa denies the flash which lit up the sky was caused by a satellite falling to Earth. bbc.co.uk 31 43 5 254 Alex Anne Dietrich @DietrichVFA41 Apr 14 #uapartclub Adam Allsuch Boardman @aaab_illo Apr 14 Replying to @retromastertoys Well... I did make prints for UFOs, cryptids and ghosts! etsy.com/uk/shop/AAABIllustr… 5 5 47 Load more