In the Western lame stream media of course (((sanity))) prevails, and no nation of neo Nazis shall pass unpunished nor even unscathed in the court of (((public opinion makers))). This Sam Rubin is quite the nugget (of what exactly I’s not entirely sure though...): … he couldn’t actually report on what he saw because “I was too afraid to look out the window.” He even shuttered his windows, unplugged “every light producing appliance” and retreated to the “windowless bathroom.” Yes, this is 2017 folks, and Rubin reminds us of this fact as he runs from Nazi's bashing down his door — or um, like, ghosts or shadows or something, as Poland's peaceful yearly national march happens outside. Thus, Rubin’s article really wasn’t about a Polish nationalist march at all, but simply an unintentionally comic report on his own neuroses. But he wasn’t alone. Polish patriots need to act swiftly to defend their independence from what may be an even greater threat than the innumerable foreign armies they have outlasted in the past. The international Main Stream Media, in that curiously coordinated way it has, has exploded in outrage over the country celebrating its existence. Ahh yes, the truth exposes itself once again as that nemesis of international Zio-Jewry, aka sovereignty in its various forms (national, individual) - because the only sovereigns in this world are "supposed" to be Zios and Israel, with all other individuals just slave-goy, and nations the slave states of the chosen bastard's personal one world banking, military and government complex to keep us mere slavs in cƶeck. Just as well we have Sam Rubin to remind us why this grand plan is such a generously lenient guilt-cleansing subjugation plan for us all: ** Media Explodes in Outrage at 60,000 Strong Nationalist March in Warsaw https://russia-insider.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fa2faf7034c3c3c413cb3652f&id=ad93a05a78&e=5110f4b440 ------------------------------------------------------------ by James Kirkpatrick on Fri, Nov 24, 2017 ** Economic Geniuses in Poland Pay Double for US LNG to Tackle 'Russian Gas Domination' https://russia-insider.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fa2faf7034c3c3c413cb3652f&id=9ab8594b57&e=5110f4b440 ------------------------------------------------------------ by RT on Fri, Nov 24, 2017 The Polish PGNiG energy group has signed a five-year contract with British firm Centrica to deliver liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the US. The signing comes despite warnings from European energy companies that American LNG is twice as expensive as Russian pipeline gas. “This agreement is the first PGNiG contract entered into under the medium term LNG contract portfolio. Most of them will serve to provide diversified gas supplies to Poland and Central and Eastern Europe to increase the energy security of the region, historically dominated by Russian gas,” said Piotr Wozniak, President of the Management Board of PGNiG. The contract with the British firm was preceded by a long-term supply deal for gas from Qatar and spot deliveries made in 2016 and 2017, he said. But, like, “obviously” dude! ** In Another MSM Embarrassment Newsweek Unironically Says Russia "Controls the American Mind" https://russia-insider.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fa2faf7034c3c3c413cb3652f&id=7a721e0c64&e=5110f4b440 ------------------------------------------------------------ by Mike Shedlock on Fri, Nov 24, 2017 In yet another mindless fake news story about fake news, NewsWeek explains how "Russia Controls the American Mind" NewsWeek embarrassed itself with this shoddy headline story WHY CLINTON LOST: WHAT RUSSIA DID TO CONTROL THE AMERICAN MIND AND PUT TRUMP IN THE WHITE HOUSE. The all caps shouting is theirs. Fake news tweets and social media posts that flooded the internet leading up to the 2016 presidential election came from a Russian troll factory that works around the clock like any IT facility—except lies were pumping out to control the American mind and put Donald Trump in the White House.