On Thu, 24 Sep 2020 07:59:14 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
The caveat was that bit about "yes you've got your republic ... if you can keep it".
that's fake news. Piece of shit franklin never said that. And at any rate, as I already pointed out, what piece of non human shit franklin and the rest of slave owners 'founded' was a SLAVE SOCIETY in which the 'government', that is to say, they, the slave owners, had unlimited power. Like they do today. only partisan fucktards pretend to ignore the most basic history of the US.
That "if you can keep it" was a prescient warning,
"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;"
You prolly don't understand what that means so I'll translate it for you. Your 'federal' government has unlimited power to steal(tax) and unlimited power to spend the loot on WELFARE. And that's exactly how the US 'worked' since the the criminal organization was 'founded'.
Yes that was perhaps the single biggest problem with a "democratic republic" - where "the people" entrench a system of theft of any sort,
what are you talking about. The definition of government is "system of theft". Jim Bell's slave owners 'founded' a criminal organization composed of slave owners, thieves and murderers. A government. Only infinitely idiotic partisans and US apologists, aka FAKE LIBERTARIANS, embark on the usual rants about 'limited government' 'rule of law' and how amazin the US cesspool was whent the blacks were kept in the plantations.
and over time certain small groups sieze that power to full, and very unfair, effect.
what are you talking about. The 'foundation' of the US meant that a small group of slave owners replaced the tyranny of the english crown with their own.