On Thu, 10 Sep 2015 23:57:19 +0000 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
and I say this is a damn good thing and we are fortunate that "Russia" has produced someone like this - perhaps not so fortunate for some Russians inside Russia, but extraordinarily important, and good, for the world as a whole. USA hegemon had to be ended, and it's almost done but the shoutin'.
As far as the US empire being finished, I don't see the process as 'almost done'. Rather, it looks as if the US empire keeps expanding and now 'almost' controls the whole fucking world, either directly or by proxy. As to putin and co. they aren't any better than the nato mafia. As a temporary measure I do agree it's good that the american nazis get 'counterbalanced'. But it's not really a long term solution.