On Tue, Jun 07, 2016 at 07:40:21PM -0300, juan wrote:
On Tue, 7 Jun 2016 22:14:05 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> You are of course free to be as 'optimistic' as you want but I feel curious about the rational grounds for your optimism.
Need I say it yet again? https://cryptome.org/ap.htm The world has had 21 years to figure out a say to stop it. If as much effort were put into implementing it as was put into Bitcoin, we'd all be free today.
Bitcoin should provide 'financial freedom' but so far it hasn't.
The bigger and yet completely unsolved problem is how to make online communications untraceable. It would seem wise to solve that problem before starting any 'prediction' market.
+1 An inexpensive "secure" (which may mean limited in funcationality) end user hardware router with a minimum 3 outgoing and one incoming connection is required; to create a non centralised mesh network of some sort. Then, the predominant usage model of the internet needs to be shifted to "people using this non centralized end user controlled mesh network". Then some protocols layered on top of this. Again: If you don't own it, you don't control it, if your don't control it, it --will-- be used against you. It's a minimum 20 year plan, but it is the only option before us.