Not only is Brown University naming the Whitelash, it's soon to teach a course, “Resistance to Racial Equality from the Civil War to Donald Trump,” which will examine the "racial elements" of Trump’s election, which it calls a “whitelash,” purportedly meaning a “staunch white resistance to, and even revenge against, racial equity.” Not only is this one of Brown U's “Summar of Brown” $6,000 three week courses, but plenty of other snowflake anti-science "university courses" are on offer from “fake news” to “Critical Race Theory”. Brown Course Blames "Whitelash" For Trump's Election Win (Not Russia?) Perhaps this is the "Brown-lash" to California being about to experience some Constitutional-lash: US Sues California Over Immigrants Salty, salty tears for Cali, the national bike. <ahem> At least Putin won the Italexit vote :) Italian Electoral Uprising – Anti-globalist Eurosceptics sweep Is 'Putin's Brain' Dugin, becoming King-Maker in Europe? On Wed, Mar 07, 2018 at 05:26:24AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Oh yeah, it's on! The Ministry lives:
** Youtube employs SPLC to define and police “extremism”
and to state the obvious, be prepared or suffer the result:
Retired Green Beret Warns, Prepare For War: 'Globalism, Socialism, And Communism' Versus 'Freedom'
** Ben Garrison: 'The War Against the Free Speech of the Right Will End Badly'
On Tue, Mar 06, 2018 at 11:47:16AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Those who are aware witness the bifurcation or polarization of humans, and some say this is due to those who lack the awareness of their own thinking and why they think, and feel, and consequently act the way they do.
Perhaps extreme polarization is a healthy sign - a moment in history where illusions are about to be shattered? We can only hope...
Good luck all, “Your Time is Up!” – NRA Spokesman Issues Warning to European-Style Socialists
Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer March 5, 2018