On Mon, 2 Aug 2021 03:45:31 +0000 (UTC) professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
The Venn diagram of ' Natural-rights anarchists ' ie Randite Morons
The randroid cunt, that piece of non-human joo-shit was a 100% US military robot, exactly like you - the randroid cunt hated anarchists and freedom as much as you do. And of course the randroid cunt was a Progressive who worshipped Technology, like you do. Vaccines will make people free! Then again, what are you professor turd, but some US military robot who uses joogle-NSA to look up random stuff and make random, illiterate comments? Your knowledge of political philosophy is as complete as that of the guy who cleans bathrooms in the base where you live. Go ahead, type one more keyword in your arpanet terminal.