On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 6:48 PM, John Newman <jnn@synfin.org> wrote:
Burning carbon to generate wattage simply for the purpose of proving work generating hashes, without doing anything useful, seems like an awful waste. We are baking the earth quickly enough, aren't we?
Well, how many gigawatts does it take to print fiat? Including tree chopping, paper making, factory building, shipping, counting, everything that goes into that year on year? What about constructing all the bank buildings, heating, cooling, lighting, and feeding their dehumanizing datamining datacenters? And the fuel burnt by bankers going to / from work, the oil shredded off their tires, and all the pointless posh shit they buy for their homes? All the politicians and their buildings? The colossal war machines and the fuel and resources to keep them roving around the world 24x7x365 for nothing but zero sum MAD and murder? The constant patrol of imaginary decreed and artificial inefficiency inducing borders? Just how many gigawatts and resources wasted there? Versus say saving for or getting humanity off the rock? At least crypto is not much more than sand and electrons, hopefully someday solar derived through consensus. Seems like giving the world's humanity privacy cryptocurrency such that they can personally make earning and spending decisions that actually count for humanity, instead of having their work stolen from them by force by rulers for the rulers... might end up being quite efficient. Worldwide tradition of New Years resolutions coming up, how many will involve crypto in some way....