Privacy and 1984 experts unanimously decry WorldCoin as as tool if not initiated for, but absolutely ripe for, twisting into totalitarian financial and ID permissioned and scored 1984... "I for one am rather bullish on this, and I can't wait for their next release AnaCoin, the one that can authenticate a person's butthole by anally probing every citizen of earth. One person, one anus. We're all one anus. Anus. First, the eyeballs, then the anus, be prepared. -- Internet" Shut down worldcoin. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2021/08/if-you-build-it-they-will-come-apple-h... https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/5/23750147/apple-optic-id-vision-pro-iris-bi... https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2023/05/24/black-market-for-worldcoin-creden... https://www.theblock.co/post/231433/worldcoin-iris-black-market [–]Maxx3141Platinum | QC: CC 2677 75 points76 points77 points 18 hours ago (45 children) This project could have been a black mirror episode permalink embed save report give award reply [–]leotardodicabrio 22 points23 points24 points 18 hours ago (27 children) There's going to be a Netflix documentary about this in a few years' time, interviewing people who say they made the wrong choice. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]rockiellow 9 points10 points11 points 17 hours ago (8 children) We need the SBF documentary first before anything permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]FluffyAspieTin | Superstonk 27 4 points5 points6 points 16 hours ago (1 child) SBF one is going to be juicy! This here is just straight up scary!! permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Icy_Trip7568 1 point2 points3 points 14 hours ago (0 children) Our timeline is a black mirror episode in the making permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]whodontloveboobs 1 point2 points3 points 16 hours ago (0 children) TBH I don't wanna hear or watch anything about that scum anymore. I just want him to face jail forever. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]GabeSterPlatinum | QC: DOGE 2476, CC 909 | AvatarTrading 18 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) I’m excited to see which Redditors make it in and can promote moons. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Hawke64Platinum | QC: CC 199 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) FTX Chinese harem footage might be too spicy even for Netflix permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]special_onigiri 0 points1 point2 points 14 hours ago (0 children) Do Kwon THEN SBF permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]JGCheemaTin 0 points1 point2 points 14 hours ago (0 children) If there's ever a movie about it Who's gona play SBF and his gf? permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Lillica_Golden_SHIBBronze | BANANO 5 | TraderSubs 13 2 points3 points4 points 17 hours ago (8 children) Hopefully none of us will be there, really permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]rootplMoonwalker 3 points4 points5 points 17 hours ago (6 children) Sadly a lot of sheep and people who will never do any research about it will jump on this idea... people say they want privacy and at the same time they are willingly giving out their info to bit corporations. This will be the same as Meta, Google etc. same shit, different product. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]kirtash93The Ash Ketchum of Crypto | Gotta Catch 'Em All 2 points3 points4 points 16 hours ago (2 children) 2069: Retina security systems are mandatory to protect your money and your cryptos. WorldCoin data is "leaked". Panic reigns. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Witty-Repair2623 3 points4 points5 points 16 hours ago (0 children) 2069: High-tech woes lead to crypto chaos, trust in doubt. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Hawke64Platinum | QC: CC 199 1 point2 points3 points 15 hours ago (0 children) You need to drink a verification can of Mountain Dew to access you computer permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Witty-Repair2623 1 point2 points3 points 16 hours ago (0 children) Privacy paradox: preaching it but not practicing it fully... permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]TheGiftOf_JerichoPlatinum | QC: CC 831 | ADA 5 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) Very true, its just a case of "that sounds like impressive tech, that's an easy investment" but there is always more behind the curtain, doing your research is important. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]TheGiftOf_JerichoPlatinum | QC: CC 831 | ADA 5 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) Very true, its just a case of "that sounds like impressive tech, that's an easy investment" but there is always more behind the curtain, doing your research is important. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]BOSSBABY33Tin 1 point2 points3 points 17 hours ago (0 children) Now when we see "Sam" we know how the shit is going to end lol permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]CyberPunkMetalHead✅ AESIR Co-founder | Community Manager | Software Engineer 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (2 children) By the wrong choice you mean invested in a project where a good amount of the supply is owned by the creators? permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]leotardodicabrio 1 point2 points3 points 17 hours ago (0 children) No. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]proph3tsixTin 0 points1 point2 points 13 hours ago (0 children) That's only part of why it's wrong. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]xkingmnRedditor for 22 days. 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) Just watch black mirror, it’s almost the same thing permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Witty-Repair2623 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) Hindsight is 20/20 for crypto choices. Netflix awaits.. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]AcceptableAd7657 -3 points-2 points-1 points 17 hours ago (0 children) what wrong choice lmao its literally just eye biometrics you guys are acting like people will start dying if they give out their eye data LMAO they cant do shit with eye biometrics permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]yourmothermypocketTin 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) But really, though. I'm like what the fuck did I just read. Then I thought about how typical this is. Take a terrible idea, throw money at third world countries, and boom, new shiny thing. I mean, sure, we hurt lots of people, but that's business, baby permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Ben_Dover1234Bronze | QC: CC 18 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) That has really somber music and people saying “if I had have known”. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]SwissstuffTin 0 points1 point2 points 14 hours ago (0 children) The accounts are already being sold on the black market. This was a bad idea from day one permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Sharp-Imagination563 3 points4 points5 points 17 hours ago (0 children) Looks like no palce is safe from sam altman permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]ComeBackTimeeBronze 2 points3 points4 points 17 hours ago (2 children) I need to start watching Black Mirror, Ive heard good things. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]ablablababla 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (1 child) They just released a few new episodes recently too permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]xkingmnRedditor for 22 days. 2 points3 points4 points 16 hours ago (1 child) NETFLIX ENTERS permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Ayoblink 2 points3 points4 points 14 hours ago (0 children) LMAO, some commenters on this sub really takes the cake lol. Have the poor man's gold sir 🥇 permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]partymslPlatinum | QC: CC 702 | r/WSB 16 1 point2 points3 points 17 hours ago (0 children) Netflix has been getting too much content from Crypto recently. All those FTX, LUNA documentaries will be sick. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Meowopesmeow 1 point2 points3 points 16 hours ago (0 children) Yep 100% this is some dystopian shit. What sick fuck came up with this?! permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Tasigur1Tin 1 point2 points3 points 15 hours ago (1 child) A good or a bad episode Maxx? :D permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Maxx3141Platinum | QC: CC 2677 1 point2 points3 points 14 hours ago (0 children) I can't say this before watching the end of it… permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]whodontloveboobs 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (1 child) TBH everyday in the last 3 years felt like a black mirror episode. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]manus101010Platinum | QC: CC 54 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (0 children) This ^ permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]_DeanRiding 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) This is just the prologue to Nose Dive (S3 - EP1), the one with Bryce Dallas Howard. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]TheGiftOf_JerichoPlatinum | QC: CC 831 | ADA 5 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) Honestly that was my first thought too, I don't like the implication. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Burzzzt88Tin 0 points1 point2 points 14 hours ago (0 children) I gets awfully close indeed. Scary stuff! permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Hank___ScorpioPlatinum | QC: CC 493, BTC 322, CM 37 | VET 22 | TraderSubs 45 34 points35 points36 points 18 hours ago (23 children) This shit is probably making Monerobros heads explode. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]leotardodicabrio 4 points5 points6 points 18 hours ago (1 child) WorldCoin is the first no-privacy coin permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]kirtash93The Ash Ketchum of Crypto | Gotta Catch 'Em All 1 point2 points3 points 18 hours ago (0 children) You won't be able to use your eyes for security systems anymore. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]ChainsofCastamere 3 points4 points5 points 18 hours ago (4 children) Or just rolling their eyes that other people would ever participate in this. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Hank___ScorpioPlatinum | QC: CC 493, BTC 322, CM 37 | VET 22 | TraderSubs 45 2 points3 points4 points 18 hours ago* (2 children) When your thesis is "people care about privacy" then they go on to voluntarily give away their privacy..... it kinda tosses a bit of a wrench in the gears. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]ChainsofCastamere 2 points3 points4 points 18 hours ago (1 child) Some people care about privacy, and the tools are available for those who want them 🤷♂️ Many dont care permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Hank___ScorpioPlatinum | QC: CC 493, BTC 322, CM 37 | VET 22 | TraderSubs 45 0 points1 point2 points 18 hours ago (0 children) Yep. The main point here is monerobros aren't calculating how many people don't give a shit into their thesis. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]leotardodicabrio 1 point2 points3 points 18 hours ago (0 children) Rolling is better than scanning in this case. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Pr0MeisterTin 7 points8 points9 points 17 hours ago (6 children) I'm not even a fan of Monero, and I'm still wondering who the hell you let their eyeballs be scanned for some random token. Even if the giants like Microsoft and the like, who are beholden to privacy laws as much as any corporation can be, rolled out a locking feature requiring eye scans, I'd be wary. But at least there can be some, if minimal, level of trust there. But this random bullshit? Yeah, no. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Killertimme 1 point2 points3 points 16 hours ago (1 child) Never am I getting any of my balls scanned. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Pr0MeisterTin 2 points3 points4 points 15 hours ago (0 children) Not even by the hot girls in your DMs? permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]whodontloveboobs 1 point2 points3 points 15 hours ago (0 children) Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. - George Carlin permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]proph3tsixTin 0 points1 point2 points 13 hours ago (2 children) You mean, like Apple just announced? https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/5/23750147/apple-optic-id-vision-pro-iris-bi... permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]kuri-kuma 1 point2 points3 points 13 hours ago (1 child) Apple’s optic scanning is encrypted and never leaves the device. Big difference. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]proph3tsixTin 0 points1 point2 points 13 hours ago (0 children) Yet. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2021/08/if-you-build-it-they-will-come-apple-h... permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]j0hnwith0utnet 7 points8 points9 points 18 hours ago (3 children) Most underrated coin ever = XMR! permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Hank___ScorpioPlatinum | QC: CC 493, BTC 322, CM 37 | VET 22 | TraderSubs 45 -2 points-1 points0 points 18 hours ago (2 children) What I'm saying... if you need me to hold your hand through it is that Monero is quite overrated. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]lostharbor 0 points1 point2 points 13 hours ago (1 child) Why is it over rated? permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Hank___ScorpioPlatinum | QC: CC 493, BTC 322, CM 37 | VET 22 | TraderSubs 45 0 points1 point2 points 12 hours ago (0 children) Monero investors rate it like other people are going to adopt it because of privacy concerns. World coin shows that people do not care one little bit about privacy. Expectations do not align with reality. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]chickinflickinPlatinum | QC: CC 57 | ADA 9 1 point2 points3 points 17 hours ago (0 children) something, something, lost retina in a boating accident permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Successful_Craft3076Platinum | QC: CC 26 | Politics 172 1 point2 points3 points 18 hours ago (2 children) People are really trying to empty the word "Bro" from any real meaning. Monero is great tho. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]CryptoScamee42069Bronze | QC: CC 22 3 points4 points5 points 18 hours ago (0 children) Unbrolievable permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Hank___ScorpioPlatinum | QC: CC 493, BTC 322, CM 37 | VET 22 | TraderSubs 45 -2 points-1 points0 points 18 hours ago (0 children) Lol. K bro. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]xkingmnRedditor for 22 days. -1 points0 points1 point 16 hours ago (0 children) Wait, I thought they are all caught in a boating accident permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Bunker_BeansPlatinum | QC: CC 224, BTC 40 | ADA 18 3 points4 points5 points 17 hours ago (1 child) People who think they’re getting free money don’t realize that they’re selling their biometric data to the highest bidder. This project is dystopian AF. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Sad-Struggle7797Tin[S] 1 point2 points3 points 17 hours ago (0 children) Facts permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]dAn_tHe_mAn7PM me feet pics 4 points5 points6 points 18 hours ago (1 child) Laughs in Monero permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Nefy-Food 1 point2 points3 points 14 hours ago (0 children) Underrated coin permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]NuewimPlatinum | QC: CC 613, ETH 31 | TraderSubs 31 17 points18 points19 points 18 hours ago (13 children) Pro tip, use eyeballs of other people, not your own. That way you can get unlimited amount of money. If you already sell or donate kidneys that's basically free money with no catch. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Wiggly-PigTin | ADA 8 5 points6 points7 points 18 hours ago (6 children) So, a crematorium worker is going to be rich - gouging out all the eyes before cremation permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]NuewimPlatinum | QC: CC 613, ETH 31 | TraderSubs 31 1 point2 points3 points 18 hours ago (3 children) Crematorium worker? This idea sound so stupid that I am sure someone will actually do that. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]jrodshootsTin 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) People have done worse for less! permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Witty-Repair2623 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) Disturbing scenario.. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]rockiellow 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) Or a grave robber permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]whodontloveboobs 1 point2 points3 points 17 hours ago (0 children) Proof of Eyeballs permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]SuccumbedToReddit 0 points1 point2 points 18 hours ago (0 children) Isn't that a plotline in Minority Report, that Tom Cruise movie? permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]EdgeLord19941 0 points1 point2 points 18 hours ago (0 children) Can I 3D print some eyeballs for infinite gains? permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]xkingmnRedditor for 22 days. 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) This guy if from the future permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]TheGiftOf_JerichoPlatinum | QC: CC 831 | ADA 5 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) Unlimited money glitch permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]CryptoBombasticSilver | QC: CC 38 | VET 1820 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) People only huh? I mean my dog, horse and cows are going to be famous! permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]kalle_sol 3 points4 points5 points 18 hours ago (0 children) Dont sell your balls for few bucks I bid 1 dollar permalink embed save report give award reply [–]-l0Lz-Tin 4 points5 points6 points 18 hours ago (0 children) I am staying with Monero and my privacy and anonimity is fine as always.Can't go wrong with it unless you get in a boating accident. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Matth3w_95 4 points5 points6 points 18 hours ago (4 children) It's still waaay early to understand if this project is going to be successful and most of all ethical. So I prefer staying out of it and looking for now. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Nefy-Food 2 points3 points4 points 14 hours ago (0 children) To be honest I don't like that project at all permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]proph3tsixTin 0 points1 point2 points 13 hours ago (2 children) It's too early to tell if it's successful. It's NOT too early to tell if it's ethical. If it were ethical, they wouldn't have started out by mining irises from African poor. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Matth3w_95 0 points1 point2 points 13 hours ago (1 child) You're right. The problem is that every major company in the planet gets benefit from taking advantage of third world countries. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]proph3tsixTin 0 points1 point2 points 13 hours ago (0 children) In regards to this sub, going through Africa doling out Bitcoin would be humanitarian. Going through Africa, doling out your shitcoin in exchange for an iris scan is exploitative, dystopian nightmare energy. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]peteprox 9 points10 points11 points 18 hours ago (11 children) Great post. None of us know how valuable our data is even currently let alone the future It's not worth it permalink embed save report give award reply [–]itbedeef 10 points11 points12 points 18 hours ago (6 children) Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, Twitter, Reddit, WhatsApp, Telegram, and Discord are all free because they make money running adds and stealing our data. Data is more valuable than currency at this point in globalization. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]6837K 8 points9 points10 points 18 hours ago (3 children) it's X now , apparently 🤫 permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Pr0MeisterTin 5 points6 points7 points 17 hours ago (2 children) It's gonna be an ex-leading platform, I'll give Elon that permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Lillica_Golden_SHIBBronze | BANANO 5 | TraderSubs 13 4 points5 points6 points 17 hours ago (1 child) I prefer the other X platform where I can have lots of free entertainment permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Pr0MeisterTin 2 points3 points4 points 15 hours ago (0 children) Elon just suspended their Twitter account, because he wants to host videos on his platform and call them Xvideos permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]yunoeconbroTin | Superstonk 55 1 point2 points3 points 17 hours ago (0 children) Mean,its not really stealing if we give it to them. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]MrMogzPlatinum | QC: CC 271, BTC 20 | r/CMS 20 | r/Pers.Fin.Cnd. 20 1 point2 points3 points 14 hours ago (0 children) Precisely, personal data is the most valuable resource in the world. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]QptimisedTin 0 points1 point2 points 18 hours ago (2 children) I've been to a couple of conferences on data and I can tell you it's already ** very valuable** to companies. That's why selling data is such a profitable business these days. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]peteprox 0 points1 point2 points 18 hours ago (1 child) Requesting Iris data is unusual though, right? Never heard of that before permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]QptimisedTin 0 points1 point2 points 18 hours ago (0 children) Yeah it's unusual for sure. But data can come from different places. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]TheGiftOf_JerichoPlatinum | QC: CC 831 | ADA 5 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) Absolutely, our data seems to be getting silently stolen by big companies ies and has been for years, but its getting worse with stuff like this. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]ahabrakenI am non-fungible 2 points3 points4 points 18 hours ago (1 child) It will be a cold day in hell before I voluntarily give up my eyeball data... permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Killertimme 1 point2 points3 points 16 hours ago (0 children) I am not giving up any ball data permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Dull-Wear-3286 2 points3 points4 points 18 hours ago (1 child) $26 Billion market cap for a coin that's one day old? Be cautious. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]MrMogzPlatinum | QC: CC 271, BTC 20 | r/CMS 20 | r/Pers.Fin.Cnd. 20 1 point2 points3 points 14 hours ago (0 children) It's not though, circulating supply * price = market cap. That's the fully diluted cap, which if 100% of supply was circulating it would be. Either way, it's extremely worrying and a terrible spot to invest when 99% can flood the market and dump. The founders are circulating in a video on Twitter where they can't even discuss distribution (likely due to US regulations) for "WORLD" coin lol. All around the world folks, well, except for some places due to regulatory issues, but MOSTLY WORLD COIN!! permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]UnsightlyCornerstone 2 points3 points4 points 18 hours ago (2 children) I'd sell my butt for $20, but I'm keeping my eye balls to myself! permalink embed save report give award reply [–]-MercuryOne-Platinum | QC: CC 48 0 points1 point2 points 14 hours ago* (1 child) Anuses are just as unique as irises, someone should look into them… permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Gr8WallofChinatownTin | Economics 11 2 points3 points4 points 17 hours ago (1 child) If you’re dumb enough to buy WorldCoin. You deserve to get rekt permalink embed save report give award reply [–]MrMogzPlatinum | QC: CC 271, BTC 20 | r/CMS 20 | r/Pers.Fin.Cnd. 20 0 points1 point2 points 14 hours ago (0 children) Internet Computer buyers contemplating if they should buy this catchy name. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Roomywazhere 2 points3 points4 points 17 hours ago (0 children) Shit is straight up dystopian permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Ayoblink 2 points3 points4 points 14 hours ago (0 children) Oh 100%, but i will be watching close as hell how its all gonna play out ahead. Selling my privacy for a couple of bucks aint gonna ever be worth it permalink embed save report give award reply [–]ChainsofCastamere 1 point2 points3 points 18 hours ago (0 children) Digital ID should always be self-sovereign. Biometric key-data should never leave a device. Each individual must be able to grant or revoke access. To whom and in what detail the records are revealed. Yes. There's going to be plenty of other projects doing this right, lots already in development. We can wait. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]legionticket 1 point2 points3 points 18 hours ago* (0 children) He literally has plans for the coin and giving it the name "world coin" is smart but he isn't the one who start with great ideas. They're lots we've seen in the space that turns out to be shit and hope this wouldn't turn out to be another SBF. IF NOT then, I'm pretty sure he'll build a great utility to it but that still doesn't mean. In the future of web3, the problem we're having is the differences in coins. They're a lot of people who are interested in Crypto but with the complications of so many coins currently, they'll be confused of which ones to invest in. And some has invest as well but it turns out the coin they invest in are scam and they lose lots from it. What we needs now isn't a new coin, we just need the one that'll stay for a long term and build great utility behind it. Bcos no matter the new coins idea, they're lots of people who has bring or think about it. I just hope worldcoin succeed and won't be a pump and dump shit like shitcoins permalink embed save report give award reply [–]lxdr 1 point2 points3 points 18 hours ago (0 children) This thing goes against the entire cypherpunk ethos that bitcoin was founded on. The amount of red flags is staggering. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Successful_Craft3076Platinum | QC: CC 26 | Politics 172 1 point2 points3 points 18 hours ago (1 child) You will be surprised how many people would give up their privacy for a nice profit. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]MrMogzPlatinum | QC: CC 271, BTC 20 | r/CMS 20 | r/Pers.Fin.Cnd. 20 1 point2 points3 points 14 hours ago (0 children) Hell, some of them will give it up for a crisp high 5 and McDonalds cheeseburger. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Calm-Cartographer677Cryptonaut 1 point2 points3 points 18 hours ago (0 children) This feels very dystopian. I've heard accounts are being sold for as little as $30 on the black market. That feels like an extremely low price for a scan of your iris. I guess everybody has a price but mine would be much higher than that. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]robbie5643Platinum | QC: CC 77 1 point2 points3 points 18 hours ago (0 children) Yeah I’m good with that lol. There was a small crypto working on monetizing user data and paying out returns to the holders for it. They didn’t end up getting passed beta. But would really love to see someone work on a model like that. I mean we already give out so much for free, someone should pay us for it. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]leotardodicabrio 1 point2 points3 points 18 hours ago (0 children) Why can't we just use stealth contact lenses :) permalink embed save report give award reply [–]MudhuttedTin 1 point2 points3 points 18 hours ago (0 children) Absolutely agree HARRRRD here. I am definitely not giving my iris scan to any company ever if I can help it. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]DOGEFLIEPTin 1 point2 points3 points 18 hours ago (0 children) Biometrics for money in a AI world I see a pattern permalink embed save report give award reply [–]madridgalacticoTin | PennyStocks 15 1 point2 points3 points 18 hours ago (0 children) Minority report vibes permalink embed save report give award reply [–]skyvin 1 point2 points3 points 18 hours ago (0 children) He can scan my japs eye! permalink embed save report give award reply [–]6837K 1 point2 points3 points 17 hours ago (0 children) is this about the original Worldcoin (from, if im not mistaken 2013 ish?) or some new one I personally wasn't aware of it existence?? permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Sweaty_SupriseTin 1 point2 points3 points 17 hours ago (1 child) This reminds me of all those people sending in their DNA to find their ancestry. Why give up something so personal when you don't know the full use they have? What will this information be used for in the future and who else would have access to it? In the DNA example, could it be used to decline insurance if you show a higher risk for cancer. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]5150sickTin 0 points1 point2 points 11 hours ago (0 children) You definitely run the possibility of getting a family member arrested for an unsolved crime. That seems to be Ancestry DNA's biggest use case so far. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]PeacefullyFightingPlatinum | QC: CC 329, ETH 23 | VET 10 | TraderSubs 24 1 point2 points3 points 17 hours ago (0 children) Notice how he's covering his eyes in the picture!? Anonymous needs to get ahold of this guy's eye scan. The last time this type of idea was pushed (in the UK I believe) they were able to get ahold of a digital copy of the politician who was pushing the idea eye or thumb print. They then published all over the internet. For some reason he quit supporting the idea. Applying security using something that cannot be changed is more idiotic than most of the idiotic things coming out. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]saladstufferTin 1 point2 points3 points 16 hours ago (3 children) They've got all our eyeballs from facial recognition on phones and selfie challenges over the last 5 years+ permalink embed save report give award reply [–]5150sickTin 1 point2 points3 points 11 hours ago (2 children) They even introduced a tool to take the red dots out of the eyes. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]saladstufferTin 1 point2 points3 points 6 hours ago (1 child) Hey mate, any idea what the (tin) is after our names? permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]5150sickTin 0 points1 point2 points 5 hours ago (0 children) I'm not sure. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]DontLookAtTheM00NTin 1 point2 points3 points 16 hours ago (0 children) I brought thus up to a few coworkers to Gauge how this would do here. 4 don't care at all, 2 care a little bit but would do it becuase "everyone else would do it and it's free money", and 1 said "absolutely not, for any amount of money even if they trust the company". Its worrying. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]-itami- 1 point2 points3 points 15 hours ago (0 children) Of course he is testing it in poor African countries, where else can you do such evil things and not get punished for it. (Looking at Nesle) permalink embed save report give award reply [–]middlemangv 1 point2 points3 points 15 hours ago (0 children) Vitalik also pointed out issues about security: Users' phones could be hacked, users could be coerced into scanning their irises while showing a public key that belongs to someone else, and there is the possibility of 3D-printing "fake people" that can pass the iris scan and get World IDs. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]beerdrinker_mavechTin 5 points6 points7 points 18 hours ago (10 children) Another Sam, another criminal permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Outsider4Life91 - 2 years account age. -15 - 35 comment karma. 2 points3 points4 points 18 hours ago (3 children) Right?! I don't trust these Sams. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]SaltedSnail85Bronze | QC: CC 23 | LRC 29 | Unpop.Opin. 25 2 points3 points4 points 18 hours ago (2 children) cries in own name permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Outsider4Life91 - 2 years account age. -15 - 35 comment karma. 1 point2 points3 points 18 hours ago (1 child) Lately I cry in ALGO. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Lillica_Golden_SHIBBronze | BANANO 5 | TraderSubs 13 1 point2 points3 points 17 hours ago (0 children) I am just 87% down but I am crying hopeful permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]leotardodicabrio 0 points1 point2 points 18 hours ago (0 children) Uncle Sam with his shitty USD was the worst (until now) permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]j0hnwith0utnet 0 points1 point2 points 18 hours ago (0 children) Sjailm permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]chickinflickinPlatinum | QC: CC 57 | ADA 9 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (0 children) Sam Bankman-Fraud Sam Scamman The resemblance is uncanny! permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]partymslPlatinum | QC: CC 702 | r/WSB 16 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (0 children) Just don‘t believe anyone with the name Sam and you are save. My life lesson. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]jrodshootsTin 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) What’s your name buddy? SBF ‘ahhh (think Sam think) Sam Altcoin… I mean Sam Altman’ permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]AcidyoBronze 0 points1 point2 points 14 hours ago (0 children) I'm sure there's better reasons to not like this. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]mbdtf95 1 point2 points3 points 18 hours ago (1 child) True, but everyone of us already forfeited a lot of our privacy by making social media accounts and owning smartphones. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Peter4realPlatinum | QC: BTC 99, CC 20 3 points4 points5 points 17 hours ago (0 children) Yea if people ever used a Snapchat filter or opened TikTok, their facials traits have already been saved and uploaded to a company server. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]dcdplex 0 points1 point2 points 18 hours ago (0 children) He's the alt account of SBF, it's in the name Sam Altman. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]CleynnTin 0 points1 point2 points 18 hours ago (0 children) Wouldn't be surprised if the iris data and identities got "accidentally" sold to the CCP permalink embed save report give award reply [–]NotAnAlcoholicTodayPlatinum | QC: CC 93, XTZ 32 0 points1 point2 points 18 hours ago (0 children) Hell yeah! Monero over WorldCoin, every time. EDIT: wait, can he use this coin in Europe as well? Wouldn't the GDPR or something have something to say about this kind of invasion of privacy? permalink embed save report give award reply [–]carsonthecarsinogen 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (2 children) Genuine question here, but in theory couldn’t this be done somewhat safely? Or am I being naive? Could there be any guarantee that the data would be stored safely and only used for it’s intended reason? Or is there no way to know for sure what they’ll do with the data? permalink embed save report give award reply [–]CryptizardAcademic Cryptographer -1 points0 points1 point 17 hours ago (1 child) Absolutely. Everyone here is completely ignoring how this thing actually works, for the memes or something I guess. It uses zero-knowledge proofs of your iris print to establish a wallet, your actual iris scan does not go on the blockchain or ever get stored anywhere. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]MrMogzPlatinum | QC: CC 271, BTC 20 | r/CMS 20 | r/Pers.Fin.Cnd. 20 1 point2 points3 points 14 hours ago (0 children) So they say. Even if true, it's still very concerning, but I have a hard time believing these type of people wouldn't be harvesting the data for other profits down the road. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]TheOnlyPhilosopherTin -1 points0 points1 point 16 hours ago (0 children) "He wants to scan our eyeballs with that so that one day in the future, we can receive welfare from the AI that replaces human jobs." Excuse Me What the Fuck.jpg permalink embed save report give award reply [–]manus101010Platinum | QC: CC 54 -1 points0 points1 point 16 hours ago (0 children) I tried to sign up but I am located in Australia and there are no orbs in Australia permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Logical_LemmingPlatinum | QC: CC 98, XMR 18 | LRC 14 | Technology 14 -1 points0 points1 point 15 hours ago (0 children) He wants to scan our eyeballs with that so that one day in the future, we can receive welfare from the AI that replaces human jobs. Is it not a noble goal to replace human labor with AI and implement UBI? Our irises are unique, meaning the WorldCoin system will be able to prevent individuals from claiming welfare twice per distribution. Worldcoin does not tie your identity to your Worldcoin ID, it only establishes that you are a unique person. How do you propose that individual people will be discriminated against in this system? Sam Altman has been testing this in places like Kenya and Sudan due to fewer privacy rights in those regions. Please show sources for this claim. Digital ID should always be self-sovereign. The Worldcoin app is self-custodial. You control your World ID just like any other crypto. Biometric key-data should never leave a device. Each individual must be able to grant or revoke access. To whom and in what detail the records are revealed. Allegedly, iris scans are deleted immediately after your World ID is verified. The scans never leave the orb. I agree I would be more comfortable if the Orb firmware was open-source and the scanee could bring the firmware with them to the appointment and flash it themselves, just to be safe. Conclusion: This is a classic r/cryptocurrency moon-farming FUD post. NO research went into this post, it's just regurgitating baseless knee-jerk FUD because "hurr-durr, they're scanning people's eyeballs." Worldcoin and other digital ID initiatives can be great uses of zero-knowledge proofs, and can bring much-needed real-world use-cases to crypto. This is not an endorsement to buy Worldcoin, but a plea to DYOR and allow yourself to get excited when crypto technology yields new use-cases, rather than default to fudding anything that doesn't directly pump your Bitcoin/moon/whatever bags. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]AcceptableAd7657 -3 points-2 points-1 points 17 hours ago (0 children) Sam Altman has been testing this in places like Kenya and Sudan due to fewer privacy rights in those regions. he has also been testing it in european countries where privacy rights are one of the most strict in the world. curious how you left that out i really dont care if they have my eye biometrics, that data is useless to me. worldcoin sounds like a fun experiment, i will gladly give up my eye info plus I already have to give every single crypto exchange my face biometrics and pictures of my ID just to trade crypto lmao i really couldnt care less about someone having my eye info permalink embed save report give award reply [–]zoomercoomer9000 0 points1 point2 points 18 hours ago (5 children) The sad thing is WorldCoin trialed these eyeball scans in countries like Kenya, Chile, and Uganda. This might be considered exploitation due to the relatively small financial incentive offered to these people for their biometric data. And there are now reports they are selling their verified World ID accounts on the black market for just $30. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]CMDR_BitMedlerSilver | QC: CC 47 | LRC 35 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (4 children) How would that work? The point of the biometric data would be essentially your keys, which according to everyone here, you don't have in your possession. So wouldn't it be like selling you my ID but instead of needing to replace the pic you have to replicate my unique biometric data (which you can't see)...? Also, what would anyone do with a Ugandan ID for a person who sold their data for $30? Probably can't get a US passport or any substantial credit... No shade, honest questions. I sometimes wonder if everyone takes Netflix shows too seriously... especially when people also constantly talk shit about Netflix. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]zoomercoomer9000 -1 points0 points1 point 17 hours ago (3 children) I sometimes wonder if everyone takes Netflix shows too seriously... especially when people also constantly talk shit about Netflix. No, I just read the news from time to time. https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2023/05/24/black-market-for-worldcoin-creden... https://www.theblock.co/post/231433/worldcoin-iris-black-market permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]CMDR_BitMedlerSilver | QC: CC 47 | LRC 35 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (2 children) So... Two "articles" that link to the same Twitter post that shows two screen grabs that look like phishing scams...? This is the DYOR I hear tired here so often. This is the "news"? Also, this news from China you can trust...? I ask again, what can you do with an ID number (only, basically) for a person in a developing country that would sell it for $20 (according to your sources, $10 cheaper than before)? permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]zoomercoomer9000 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (1 child) So... Two "articles" that link to the same Twitter post that shows two screen grabs that look like phishing scams...? On Taobao, China’s version of Amazon, listings for Worldcoin access have appeared. Some reviewed by CoinDesk offer different options, from a simple download of the app for RMB 9.9 ($1.41) to full KYC certification for RMB 499. Thanks for the dwnvote by the way. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]CMDR_BitMedlerSilver | QC: CC 47 | LRC 35 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) My friend, do not ever represent yourself in court - including the court of public opinion. You got a downvote because you won't answer my question and continue to provide really weird "proof" of something you sound so certain about. I'm honestly trying to understand the project outside of this typical r/CC adolescent knee jerk reaction. Don't worry, it won't effect your moons. People try and sell all kinds of stuff ... even on the spooky black market (whatever that means to the reader). That doesn't mean much unless people who've purchased them have successfully something or other... And so far, it sounds like there's nothing to do. Unless you have a link to an actual source that can illustrate that... which I would actually really like to see because it would answer my question. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]TotesMessengerTin 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (0 children) I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: [/r/coinfantasy] To all the buzz of WorldCoin. Your privacy is more valuable than you may realize. If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact) permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Fourplyer80Tin 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (0 children) This seem like we are going in the wrong dereliction! permalink embed save report give award reply [–]homrqtTo The Moon! 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (0 children) The world needs to start living more private lives again. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]CryptizardAcademic Cryptographer 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (0 children) There are probably a lot of legitimate criticisms of this thing, but at least take 5 minutes to understand how it works. Your iris is not stored anywhere it uses a zero-knowledge proof (well established technology in the crypto world) of your iris to establish a wallet. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]LimpPeanut5633Tin | LRC 14 | Superstonk 79 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (0 children) I mean ppl are using their biometric fingerprint to pay for their espresso everyday, one scans eye the other finger tip. We're already here! permalink embed save report give award reply [–]NinjaAssassinoTin | CC critic 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (0 children) I would sell kidney for some ETH, eyeball is not that much. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Thin_Explorer_1743 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (0 children) Sam weirds me out man permalink embed save report give award reply [–]RoentgenFischTin 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (0 children) Lol, wtf is with all of the worldcoin posts all of a sudden? Someone paid a bunch of money for some viral marketing. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]FridgeMagnet8 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (0 children) There are these things called contact lenses... permalink embed save report give award reply [–]BuGsYqTin 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (0 children) hmm...dont wanna be the black sheep here but the img link doesn't work, and also ..what's this about ? i know nothing permalink embed save report give award reply [–]CMDR_BitMedlerSilver | QC: CC 47 | LRC 35 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (0 children) Out of curiosity, has anyone read the whitepaper? permalink embed save report give award reply [–]jrodshootsTin 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (1 child) Crypto gained traction from being anonymous right!? Why would any crypto enthusiast give up their personal data to get a crypto token!? My gawd. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]AncientProduceSilver | QC: CC 386, ATOM 30 | TRX 28 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) Crypto is pseudo anonymous not anonymous. As in I can trace your activities on chain but never know who you are unless I find out by other means, like you scanned your iris to get 1 WLD. permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]xkingmnRedditor for 22 days. 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) No coin is worth my privacy, well unless it’s 1 million. There is a price for everything. I am cheap, forgive me. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]xkingmnRedditor for 22 days. 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) Sam…? Is that HIM?! permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Mariahausfrau 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) That sounds horrible. In my opinion its not very far from what mr. Adolf did to jews. Thats total control of your identity to someone else. Whole digital ID is giving away your freedom. Its just a tragedy to see how many people sell their identitys for someone just to be a puppet. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]hellosamaira 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) This is so dark and this is not crypto. This is 1984. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Probably_notabotTin | CC critic 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) Didn’t Blackrock buy Ancestry or 23&Me? So now they own all that bio data and whatever other personal info you put on the forms? I could see this happening with this thing too. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Soberdonkey69 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) Many people will fall for it, which will encourage bad actors to follow the same or similar. I want this project to fail. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]wylie2020Platinum | QC: DOGE 27 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) Finally someone posting a real assessment on this fancy pump and dump.... Lol people wont learn permalink embed save report give award reply [–]wylie2020Platinum | QC: DOGE 27 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) IF YOU DIDNT GET INTO WORLDCOIN UNDER A 1.00, NFA stay far away or you will become a bag holder permalink embed save report give award reply [–]BusinessBreakfast3Platinum | QC: BTC 28, CC 22 | CRO 5 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) Completely contrary to what crypto was brought to the world. Beware. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]cinlungTin | PCmasterrace 34 0 points1 point2 points 16 hours ago (0 children) Isn't china already implement your face as payment ID. To me that implementation is a bit scary and very prone to hacking or tampering. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Sixtricks90Tin 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) More like TurdCoin permalink embed save report give award reply [–]ellileonTin | VET 6 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) Just don‘t believe anyone with the name Sam or you get rugpulled. Leason learned! permalink embed save report give award reply [–]JayFab6061Platinum | QC: CC 215, ETH 26, BTC 15 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) Monero: “Y’all really out here just giving away everything huh?” permalink embed save report give award reply [–]AutobotnateTin 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) Add the ever increasing quality of cellphone cameras to the narcissistic need for selfies and you have a recipe for biometric data collection. This is not a new thing. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]T2LVBronze | QC: CC 19 | CRO 14 | ExchSubs 14 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) Can we just skip to the part where he gets arrested. We’ve all shed enough tears due to guys like this. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Longjumping_Method51Platinum | QC: CC 55 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) Privacy is more important than any coin. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Dazzling_Marzipan474Platinum | QC: CC 26 | ADA 6 | ExchSubs 14 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) It's one thing to ask for email to sign up for something, but to scan my eyeballs is just fucked up. Not gonna happen. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]--leockl--Tin | CelsiusNet. 7 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) This Worldcoin project feels like Sam missed out on the last crypto bull run due to busy working on ChatGPT and now that ChatGPT is released, he wants a piece of the pie in the crypto space, so shopped around for a project and found this. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]scpDZABronze | Futurology 19 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) This seems an MLM coin. Maybe these are already a thing but becoming an orb operator sounds like building an upstream. I was interested in the idea but here's my take on the road map -everyone gets a share for being human (cool, I'm here for it) -eventually we're gonna figure out how to get ai to generate money for us and we'll pay you through that (hmm..) -become an orb operator and get people to sign up, you'll make more money as more people sign up. (This part sounds like an MLM, where do I sign?) -be your own boss (Added for comedic value) permalink embed save report give award reply [–]inShambles3749 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) Pls don't sell your privacy for that shit coin. ._. Jesus that project is horrific permalink embed save report give award reply [–]my_life_is_fucked 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) The amount of posts about this project is suspect. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Painfulblisteronmyb 0 points1 point2 points 15 hours ago (0 children) Don't worry when all you Apple fan boys buy the new apple vr thing they will have your iris, if they don't already permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Emergency_Dragonfly4Tin 0 points1 point2 points 14 hours ago (0 children) 20 bucks is 20 bucks permalink embed save report give award reply [–]LazyEdict 0 points1 point2 points 14 hours ago (0 children) People sell one of their kidneys for a few thousand dollars(going rate a couple of decades ago). A fee bucks for a photo of your eyes? They'll have tons of people doing that eagerly. r/slavelabour had people sending pictures of themselves holding an ID for a few bucks. It is too easy to pass up. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]itellon 0 points1 point2 points 14 hours ago (0 children) Don’t scan your retina, if you want coin just buy coin when coin release. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]SwissstuffTin 0 points1 point2 points 14 hours ago (0 children) You can't convince me that its not all a scam to harvest our eyeballs. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]vsauerr 0 points1 point2 points 14 hours ago (0 children) I have seen people seeling/spending their entire life savigns for cents... Ofc people will sell their ID for few bucks. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]BMB281Tin 0 points1 point2 points 14 hours ago (0 children) There’s a feature about this project that makes sense though: separating humans from AI. There’s going to become a point where online no one can tell who is real and who is AI permalink embed save report give award reply [–]elysiansaurusPlatinum | QC: CC 20 | CAKE 6 | r/WSB 286 0 points1 point2 points 14 hours ago (0 children) Perhaps I won't volunteer my balls, but will be watching to see what it does. It's up 35% today. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]East_Barber8566Tin 0 points1 point2 points 14 hours ago (0 children) He who controls eyeball data, controls the world! Enter eyeball wars permalink embed save report give award reply [–]yyca_xTin 0 points1 point2 points 14 hours ago (0 children) this project is giving me dystopian vibes, I don't mess with it. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]timelesssmidgenTin 0 points1 point2 points 13 hours ago (0 children) Dumb question, but is it really that hard to fake an iris? Or steal someone else's by grabbing the first hi-res face picture you find and scanning that? permalink embed save report give award reply [–]OfWhomIAmChiefPlatinum | QC: XMR 66 0 points1 point2 points 13 hours ago (0 children) People will only care about privacy when something is at stake. Thats why i believe in coins like Monero, that will only be used when governments or powers that be start to overreach. Until then its business as usual. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]lehope 0 points1 point2 points 13 hours ago (0 children) Can I scan my dog's eyes and earn free coins? permalink embed save report give award reply [–]lordofming-risesSilver | QC: CC 468 | CRO 70 | Superstonk 237 0 points1 point2 points 13 hours ago (0 children) Goebels said : If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear. History never repeats but often rhymes permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Orgull0 0 points1 point2 points 13 hours ago (0 children) It reminds me a bit of all the people that, not only gave their dna for free to check for their 'ancestry' they actually paid for it. And if I'm not mistaken, Blackrock was recently interested in buying a company related to this. Totally not dystopian and shady... permalink embed save report give award reply [–]randomguy_-Bronze | Politics 12 0 points1 point2 points 13 hours ago (0 children) Unfortunately some people dont see crypto as a way for any kind of financial independence, but for a tool of unregulated financial control where they become some kind of dystopian overlord. permalink embed save report give award reply [–]PaskeePlatinum | QC: CC 67 | x1 0 points1 point2 points 13 hours ago (0 children) The actual fuck Future is scary permalink embed save report give award reply [–]proph3tsixTin 0 points1 point2 points 13 hours ago (0 children) bUt iT's dEcEnTrALiZeD! (Hint: If a project has a clearly defined roadmap, then it's not decentralized.) permalink embed save report give award reply [–]5150sickTin 0 points1 point2 points 11 hours ago (1 child) Why was this one removed? permalink embed save report give award reply [–]Sad-Struggle7797Tin[S] 0 points1 point2 points 11 hours ago (0 children) I don't know 😕 I sent message to mods too, but no response permalink embed save parent report give award reply [–]Dynamichipscrew 0 points1 point2 points 9 hours ago (0 children) Like others havs said really don't want to sell my eyeballs for coins tbh. I don't have anything to hide in terms of my biometric data or identity. But why should my identity be out there