On 12/29/21, Steven Schear <schear.steve@gmail.com> wrote:
GnuRadio software has been available for years which enables a SDR to broadcast GPS info guaranteed to cause consumer devices to accept the generated locations.
While fun, it's a bandaid, a non-fix to the underlying problem, and riskier short term than solving the problem long term... The better answer can be to rise up and shutdown all the GovCorps, politicians, sleazebags, "*nazi's", rat races, etc, and never replace them. End the programming which says to replace, end that cycle, create natural paths and influences away from that by teaching your kids voluntaryism, local, earth, charity, humanity, freedom, future, etc. Teach them to be mechanics makers farmers friends rocketeers peace lover anarchos, whatever, anything better than today's shutdown power control exploitive spyveillance democracy enslavers censor thieving warring batsoup dictate forcing etc freaks. When 30+ years of doing passive crypto+tech doesn't seem to be much changing whatever you wanted changed, and is apparently being used to make many areas much worse, try doing something a bit more hands on effective outside that realm. Will that be harder than jamming every onstar that comes along, probably not :) Jamming is a temporary tactic anyway... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcArnepkhv0 To win you have to stop building the people who are building the deathstars against you.