On Mon, 11 Jun 2018 13:09:37 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
So all billions of random worlds people are free whenever however they want to sleep your bed, use your bathroom, eat your foods, fuck your partners,
what are you rambling about
paint your walls with feces, jam up your rooms with garbage, rip your plants, use / wear / take your tools and goods, publish stupid game warez into your phone and spam the world from it, talk noisy random shit 24x7 within meter of you while you sleep work drive eat, whatever else, etc? No? Not in such those of your forums? What a censor you are!
what the fuck are you talking about? Your understanding of free speech and censorship is non existent. Please stop using the retarded, right-wing, propertarian sophism you just (again) used.
Yes? You must be some kind of speshul evolved hippie. Are the randoms still free to build their own?
their own what? What if you stopped confusing personal property with free-speech? Once you stop doing that you might be able to say something inteligent.
Yes? Then what censor / hippie you are is irrelavant.
no it isn't, but obviously the more infrastructure is controlled by non-fascists the more limited the damage is. However that's an utilitirian view, not a principled one.
No? Then there's a crux, forcing you to answer what a censor you are.
censors are always censors. It doesn't matter if they censor 10 people like your pals the scum at the tor project do, or if they censor 1000 millions like jew fukkkerber does.
Is there now a crux? Will you answer?
well did you address the question to the feminazi tor scum for instance? Let us know their answer - ha ha ha.
Or say go build? But where? Turtles?