Hi DL, I'm trying to relearn that the world is more colors than just red and blue, black and white. Are you able to share why you are looking for this information on biden, or something else to help me understand? I appreciate the news blasts on your blog when I visit. I visited briefly today and saw a reference to water crises, a topic that is important to me. It was really exciting to think about signal analysis when you brought this thread topic up. K On Thu, Jul 29, 2021, 9:24 PM Douglas Lucas <dal@riseup.net> wrote:
On 2021-07-29 18:10, grarpamp wrote:
That entire press session and a few others were going around the right-pundits due to it being full of Joe getting creepy with a bunch of girls and them being cringed out. Just search creepy Joe Biden / Biden girls / Biden pedo, etc. Some of them were posted to this list for reference over in the elections thread.
https://rumble.com/vk99dq-biden-touched-me.html This little girl explains what Joe Biden did to her in front of the nation that no one caught including her parents.