Yet conventional censors still run rampant...
Twitter censorbans @LibsOfTikTok , a feed that does nothing but post Libs exposing themselves in their own words. https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1514763697687736320 The left is triggered by seeing their own opinions being publicized https://thepostmillennial.com/libs-of-tik-tok-has-hope-for-the-future-of-edu... https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1514761829192540161 The creator of @libsoftiktok joins Tucker Carlson to discuss being suspended from Twitter: "It definitely felt like a very organized attack by the left to get me suspended." Libs of Tik Tok @libsoftiktok Bringing you news you won’t see anywhere else. All videos belong to their respective owners. 📧 libsoftiktok@gmail.com. DM submissions Depths of Hell linktr.ee/Libsoftiktok Joined November 2020 Tweets 6,352 Following 662 Followers 630,255 Likes 21,581 2,542 Photos and videos Libs of Tik Tok @libsoftiktok Mar 28 It’s a matter of time before I get suspended. Never know which post will be my last. If you want to make sure you keep receiving my content, go to the link under my bio and sign up for my email list. I’ll publish some exclusive stuff for email subs, too. Thanks for your support! Twitter just censored @libsoftiktok, locking the account for “hateful conduct.” — Seth Dillon (@SethDillon) April 14, 2022 Libs of TikTok, a Twitter account that reposts videos of libs from TikTok, was suspended for 12 hours Wednesday for “hateful conduct.” Literally, the only thing the account does is repost videos that white women and homosexuals post themselves about how they are indoctrinating children into homosexuality. We’ve seen a similar thing with mass bannings of people reposting videos of Ukrainians torturing people that the Ukrainians posted themselves. So it’s hateful to spread information that liberals are trying to spread themselves if you spread it because you are against it and not because you support it. Man, you should watch these videos while you can. And share them. People have no idea how bad things really are. “Parents need to stay the f*** out of classrooms.” This is what the left really thinks. Listen when they tell you. They want to take your kids to groom and indoctrinate them behind your back. pic.twitter.com/vEJi71U3fH — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 13, 2022 Letting kids choose their gender identity is now “consent.” Parents who let kids "choose their gender" are child abusers. pic.twitter.com/vVKcDxXPZC — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 13, 2022 “Diversity is my favorite thing to teach” says non-binary preschool teacher who also makes 4 year olds pick a pronoun pin every day to wear pic.twitter.com/6IRmh4v8Co — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 12, 2022 “If your parents don’t accept you for who you are, f*** them. I’m your parents now” – Oklahoma middle school teacher This teacher was let go last week after complaints of grooming and this tiktok + others containing questionable content were brought to the principal’s attention. pic.twitter.com/eBgAWCW3K7 — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 11, 2022 Students in an @mcpasd school were treated to a drag queen performance by a “drag teacher” during school hours. Imagine if they focused on teaching math, science, and history instead of drag. This is sickening. pic.twitter.com/TvyoQ8pW6r — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 12, 2022 Not using someone’s preferred pronouns or calling a non-binary person a woman is discrimination and a hate crime. She seems stable…. pic.twitter.com/SKCM0mfFNa — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 12, 2022 “I’m a man but when I was a baby the doctors told my parents I was a girl” “I talk to my students about what it means to be trans all the time” These are 6 year old kids. pic.twitter.com/9CEOVvCdI5 — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 11, 2022 Trans non-binary elementary teacher says 3 year olds are old enough to learn about gender identity, sexual orientation, and pronouns. These are the people teaching your kids. pic.twitter.com/fylE9jCQrF — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 10, 2022 This polyamorous genderfluid witch is a preschool teacher in Florida. She’s so proud of herself that she discusses her gender and sexuality with 4 year olds pic.twitter.com/XOuuX6by4w — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 7, 2022 Not wanting to teach kids about sex and gender ideology is homophobic 🤨 pic.twitter.com/q4FKYxqoKM — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 7, 2022 .@PaloAltoUnified 1st grade teacher is excited to read books to 6 yr olds about little kids who become transgender. Sick pic.twitter.com/3oj6sGDeuE — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 6, 2022 The mental gymnastics to try to justify teaching 5 year old kids about sex… DeSantis broke these teachers. It’s epic pic.twitter.com/W2u2xZYa6E — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 6, 2022 Drag king preschool teacher says she won’t follow the laws of the Parental Rights in Education bill pic.twitter.com/TlD0tFadn3 — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 4, 2022 Kansas teacher says we have to teach kindergartners about LGBTQ because there are already kindergartners who are trans, non-binary, etc. Trans 5 year olds. pic.twitter.com/SYbbPx9SNM — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 5, 2022 These are the people teaching your kids… Any teacher who comes out to their students should be fired on the spot. pic.twitter.com/F3KMXFW0VK — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 4, 2022 Why would a classroom have 2 entire walls painted with the progress pride flag? pic.twitter.com/3vWVQFM2wN — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 3, 2022 Here’s one that’s not a lib, showing what they are teaching in first grade sex ed. New Jersey teacher goes through examples of the new sex-ed lesson plans for 1st grade. First graders are being taught about gender identity and that it’s okay to identify with the opposite gender. pic.twitter.com/c1cqEdcBlQ — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 10, 2022 This is happening in EVERY SCHOOL that isn’t in some small town where people know what is going on. Y’all better wake up. Boomers don’t even believe this is real. Probably, most of you don’t know how bad it is. They have turned the entire school system into a homosexual grooming industrial complex. This is why God sent the flood, it’s why he destroyed Sodom. We NEED the megacomet. Record-breaking 'megacomet' is more than 80 MILES wide and has a staggering mass of 500 TRILLION tonnes, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope reveals via https://t.co/mzARDwXXmP https://t.co/3xWLCuPCg2 — Sergey Minaev (@sminaev2015) April 13, 2022