---- long ago, my father was involved in a tech magazine with a theme of "are you plugged in?" one of his coworkers made the bofh, i dunno, not too relevant. i was a kid so what i noticed was the comic of people plugging in to the internet super highway by placing a computer plug against their body. everybody was going to get plugged in, although it happened kind of mysteriously and slowly. nowadays the imagery is a way of processing fears and pain, the horror of being physically connected to a computer in a way that makes it impossible to live a natural life, the grossness of how it would generally look, like a horror show. and that idea of laughing at horror and disfigurement is so painful. [we had to laugh at things we found horrible as we got deeper into resisting the coverup and silence, it was very very bad and did not really end .... ->] but now laughter is just kind of confusing, and it isn't at [things that are really personally bad] as much anymore, it seems more normal to me now, where it's associated with dissociative trauma ... anyway it has a positive attribute now. it lets there be positivity near great pain, which helps one think about things near the pain at all.