News from around WEF... A digital ID... implanted in your body. By 2030. Words of the CEO of Nokia (owned by Microsoft): Patent is known as 060606 couldn’t be more in your face, crazy Yep, sounds like mark of the beast in revelations. If the populace continues to be lackadaisical about the responsibility they hold for their own sovereignty, then we will possibly be subjected to tyrannical dictatorship over our own bodies. Problem is that many do not understand how far this thing they are doing can be employed to force people into all sorts of terrible circumstances. WHO pandemic treaty scam "the House passed the Sedition Act, permitting the deportation, fine, or imprisonment of anyone deemed a threat or publishing “false, scandalous, or malicious writing” against the government of the United States." Doesn't sound like freedom to me and that was pushed by founding fathers... This is 100% the reason why the founding fathers identified the need for the 2nd Amendment to maintain a well regulated militia. Anyone who is supporting the oppressive CCP regime in China, anyone who is planning to cede control of the United States to the WEF authority - these are all enemy combatants of the United States and the free people everywhere. It is the express goal of the Communist agenda through the FED (Federal Reserve) to destroy the United States dollar. It is not an accident that Jerome Powell was over one year late to enact interest rate hikes. It is not an accident they are causing hyperinflation and food shortages, entirely preventable, by sanctioning wheat exports and pushing the ongoing Ukraine conflict. They do not care about the people, the price of bread, the price of oil. They want control and they met in Davos for the WEF. They created Coronavirus through Obama and Fauci at the NIH back from 2011-2016 in Wuhan and don't even care that the proof is out there. They laugh at the millions of people they killed around the world. We are looking at the Devils army. Biden, Gates , Fauci, Obama and collaborators like Powell. Basically signing over 193 nations sovereignty and bodily autonomy. Gives the WHO the power to step in during future pandemics and lock a whole country down if they choose too. Forced vaccination forced masking etc also gives them the power to deem what is or isnt a pandemic. Countries don’t get a say in opting out. If they get these powers too bad you comply or they will send in they’re own reinforcements (think UN police and isolation camps) also the who is bought and paid for by China basically so that’s a good indication of what the future holds with this in place.