On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 07:58:24 -0800 g2s <g2s@riseup.net> wrote:
As i was saying. Youre just another gambling scumbag capitalist who apparently doeant know what the word "currency" means.
right, bitcoin isn't much of a currency yet cause it's not widely accepted.
Bitcoin and the like are OBVIOUSLY a Pyramid Scam brought to you by the same Flash Trading ethics that destroyed your markets and economies..
that's a half truch. At least some people buy bitcoins because of its good properties while other people buy just because they are greedy, brain dead gamblers. although bitcoin is a form of 'fiat currency' it has more legitimate value than the competing garbage money produced by government
GoldmanSachs and their scumbag financial friends PWN U Or for all I know, you work for them and thats why You're peddling their snake oil. Rr