Ideas Regarding Disruption When all your dependencies fail, all your systems crash, and nobody you don't phyiscally connect with answers your calls: In a healthy situation, we work together to build things like software, and can rely on the parts to be maintained. When that isn't the case, one could cast it as analogous to a disease. In the human body, when a virus starts taking over all our cells and turning us against our own being, there are a few rules of thumb the system seems to have developed: - the whole system makes it incredibly obvious that something is wrong, all the time - the individual pursues simple situations, where things are safer and there are fewer challenges - everybody, both the microscopic and the large, focuses on resolving the situation - there are two approaches: the immune system is similar to an evolutionary algorithm; it tries many things, and rapidly adapts until the problem is addressed. it then widely shares its specific cures, to ensure the problem is eradicated for now. - meanwhile human cultures engage cognitive study, and people who have the capacity to support this work hard to do so. communication channels are built to inform people as effectively as possible.