On Sat, Aug 22, 2020 at 02:42:33PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Sat, 22 Aug 2020 22:26:39 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
Unpacking modern Marxism,
Oh, I see that you ignored my comments on all your jew-kristian fascist garbage and started to hysterically whine about 'marxism' yet again...just to divert attention from your jew-kristian fascist garbage, go figure. Hey, you're a 'modern' 'marxist'.
You can't debate the principles of faith with logic - well of course you can, but after a very short while it becomes utterly pointless - I'm sure you don't want to waste your time on a pointless debate? And in any case I don't want to waste our time on a pointless debate... To remove any doubt here, your "existential"/ logical positions which you take in relation to "all things faith related", is always going to be the "winning" position. And further, when you receive "no response" to a position, it is normally assumed that you "won" that particular point or that part of the argument. I assume this, and those who don't think, tend to subconsciously make the same assumption. Regarding acknowledgements, on most logical/ fact based positions you take, when you lay down a winning point, it is nice to get an acknowledgement from your "opponent". But when a faith position is taken, the acknowledgement can only really be "this is oil and water, or incompatible debating positions" - such incompatible positions are at a stalemate.
"Marxist framework presupposes a relationship of oppressor and oppressed "
that's not marxism, that's reality.
Yes and no, and that simplistic position is the root cause of a lotta problems today. The point is, that if that's the _only_ view of reality that you "permit" in your "debate", then you can be rightly classified as a "Marxist loonatic" or "Marxist despot". It would be stupid to deny that there are those who are oppressed and oppressors, and that's not being attempted here. The "BUT" is this: a hierarchy of humans does not always/ have to mean "someone's getting oppressed" (which is the sole position modern Marxists take, and which they use to oppress all alternative positions).