I went to https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&search=zeitgeist&go=Go
So I found that, but it wasn't clear where to proceed from there. I found a small search box, and looked for "zeitgeist", finding little of obvious interest.
Sorry, will try to give you a more exhaustive list. Since you found the search box (and since it may deprive you from all the links in each of those pages (at they've censored valid data for hackerspaces on their own site, >PLEASE EXPLAIN<), here's a list: * fractional voting * anarchy * World Constitution * Tree of Life You'll have to manually search for any interested links within those pages, since they fucked them up. Otherwise, search for New World Order at metagovernment.org wiki. Feel free to comment on the discussion tabs or edit if you find errors or have better suggestions. (That's how wiki works if you don't know -- you're encouraged to change it towards better info. My ability to edit may be limited though as they've banned me on a hacker site for providing activist, engineering, and political info -- apparently they don't know that being a true hacker is a POLITICAL ACT, but hey maybe they're just high-schoolers.) Marxos