On 1/11/23, Karl Semich <0xloem@gmail.com> wrote:
Utopia #4.327e9 Adventure
Welcome back to your beloved Utopia #4.327e9, Gardener! We’re so happy you escaped that horrible emporium of gore you were stuck in!
You may see near you some men jn black suits, and also some old friends, The men wearing black suits here were originally hired to dismantle the utopia so a big box store could be built in its place.
When the MCBoss, who runs the emporium of gore you escaped from, tried to dominate the world with mind control, these men in black suits were automatically forced to spend the rest of their lives as “honey pots” to catch possible utopia visitors, and send them back to the emporium of gore. This is because of how MCBoss’s algorithmic amplification influenced the various parts of their existing plans.
Meanwhile, they had already mind controlled your old friends, using normal approaches, to fight each other and act as if they could be their own enemies, This behavior has also been amplified.
Everybody is holding guns at each other because they are all accusing each other of criminal activity and pretending to be authorities who should arrest them, Joke: a video series that uses modern directing effects (possibly via ai) to describe actual atrocities and/or targeting as normal engaging media. likely this exists some already. [many of us likely think of doing this with our limited lives somehow, maybe that’s where vlogs come from]
However, rest assured, everything here is real and functional, including the mediation areas! And everybody is bound by their mind control patterns to follow through with what they say, for believability!
What do you do?