once upon a time, karl thought he would finetune a model but all sorts of hijinx ensued so then he thought he would work on the vortex phone he got since he was hungry more than usual and needed something to do to validate eating extra
so karl went to github to make his devices git history easier to access when confused but he was logged out of github for some reason, maybe related to rebooting the computer so he went to log in to github, and it wanted 2-factor authentication to a phone number, so he went to his mobile device karl's mobile device behaves funny, it likes to turn the screen off right before he touches it over and over. right now it was disconnected from wifi. often when trying to connect to wifi, the wifi list suddenly empties so that there are no access points. this happened agian. but after a little bit karl got his device connected to wifi, and checked his texts, and put the confirmation code that had arrived 2 minutes ago into github. but github said the confirmation code was invalid. so, karl sent another one.
when karl pressed the button to send another one, he didn't notice any indication it had sent. so he pressed it again. this time he realized it was his visual derealization or fnd, a self-diagnosed problem where he doesn't process things in his visual field. a new code had been sent!
he went to his text messages, and there were now codes from two different phone numbers, both arriving at the same time. one from 415 488 8273, and one from 415 488 8399. are these both github? maybe? i don't know! one of them will be the latest one that github might accept this time. karl was slowed by paranoia that he could be experiencing a phishing attack. he went to enter the later-listed code into github to try to log in again.
hum, one of these numbers has a github code from 2023 in its text history, and the other one has never been used before. where is the one i just received a few minutes ago?
oh, it came from a _third_ number, from 213 263 3354 so i have about a hundred github codes from 213 263 3354 starting may 2023 i have 1 github code from 415 488 8273 on 18:24 today and i have 2 github codes from 415 488 8399, one on july 30th 2023, and one today at 1824.
karl went to enter the latest-received code from 415 488 8399.
karl's code was again rejected, so he thought "maybe i am taking too long typing into a mailing list, and my codes are expiring." he sent another code and it was received from a 4th number, 415 488 8349. he entered it quickly into github and logged in! after typing about it, it was then 1832 . karl went to create a "devices" repository to sync his old commits into. the creation dialog had strange wrongly rendered overlapping text and interface elements, unchanged by fiddling with the page scaling, but otherwise seemed to be behaving okay. karl had a "github marketplace" app apparently installed, called "renovate". he wanted to disable renovate, but nothing happened when he clicked the checkbox to disable it.