Why not wireless, by wifi boxes? CenturyLink sells 1 gigabit/sec internet, far more than most people can use. Why not let nearby neighbors share this wealth of bandwidth?
Because assholes like CenturyLink bribed a whole lot of govt politicians with your money against you to make it criminal illegal theft of service. And because, again, you paid a whole lot of govt schools to program you and society that you cannot negotiate and must sign all contracts handed to you, so it's also breach of a totally absurd lopsided one way contract. Which by the way, most of them allow the ISP to whore your internet activity out to the highest bidder, and simply give it away to the govt. That's why ;) Do you have ANY idea how much community co-op guerilla network that $50/mo will get you? One year of that is $600 per landowner or residence. That gets you a shovel, a spool of terminated fiber, a barebones Unix router box, 3 x 1Gbps symmetrical ports 2 of which multihome you out to your next hop neighbors, the natural right to run servers, and community support. Electricity at $25/yr, but... one year of that gets you $300 for a solar rig for the router. Go ahead splurge for batteries blinky lights, and random other bling... Total $1250, one time, good for at least 10yr. That's still less than an avg 2y ISP promo contract. If you want to hit the internet plug the whole sq km worth of you into a 10-40Gbps Tier-1 for a $1/mo. Yet all you idiots keep paying that $50+/mo down the drain. $600+/yr, 2y, 5y, 10y, 20y... till you die, and don't own shit for it but a slave stamp on your ass and spies tapped straight into your cranium. Retards. Wake up, rise up, do it yourself.