let's make a flower puzzle !!!!
a flower puzzle is a 3d model of a flower where the parts look pretty and the user connects them together.
it's challenging to do when your mind isn't working.
one idea is processing a picture of a flower with threestudio to get a 3d model of a flower
here's another idea ... the different parts of the flower could maybe be made partially hollow to give a see through appearance, with some kind of fractal cutouts on their side. making each part be fractal-like could make it seem more intricate and pretty. this also opens up an idea of how to connect them together -- if they are made of thin parts like fractals, then maybe some norm of snappable connections could be more easily imagined, since thin things tend to bend more readily. it's hard to design a snappable connection :/ maybe it's inspiring to find a picture of a fractal design. here's a 3d printed fractal called a hilbert curve: https://www.printables.com/model/167414-developing-hilbert-curve (picture from website attached as webp) the hilbert curve maybe gives a little idea of how a puzzle part could be turned into a hollow fractal. thinking on it, one imagines how to do it without support as well. basically, the top and bottom would adhere to the maximum angle of the printing configuration, and so would holes, such that holes might look like diamonds or <> or leaf-shapes () or such. if every part had a 'top' and a 'bottom' then they could all be printed side-by-side. we'd need to come up with a fractal hole pattern. additionally it's convenient to have pieces have flat tops or bottoms, which could be done with further fractalization possibly ... notably here it could be kept internal providing for more flat external shapes, since at the bottom the base plate is holding it, and at the top the inside is below. ok, now, flowers aren't usually big and chunky, they usually have fine spindly pieces. flowers actually have all the parts of flowers! i don't remember them all: - petals / sepals - anthers / stamens - ovule - pedicel / stem - leaves - branches everything here is small in one dimensions, most things are long and skinny, so a major part might simply be a connector where a small thing can fit into a slightly larger thing. what about screwing things in? this is possibly easier to plan without experimentation