Tue, Oct 29, 2024, 8:26 AM ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> Date: Tue, Oct 29, 2024, 8:26 AM Subject: Moynihan Train Hall at Penn Station Logo Artwork Records To: <casework_@gillibrand.senate.gov>, < Scheduling_schumer@schumer.senate.gov> Cc: cypherpunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> Dear Honorable Senator Gillibrand: Dear Honorable Senator Schumer: xNY.io - Bank.org contacted New York State’s Executive Chamber and New York State's Department of Human Rights seeking relevant information concerning Moynihan Train Hall at Penn Station (October 28, 2024 memo below). Furthermore, today xNY.io - Bank.org contacts your esteemed offices to ascertain if you may have any information or records concerning the origin of Moynihan Train Hall at Penn Station's logo artwork. I am proud to be under your leadership, Senators. Warm regards, Gunnar ✌️ -- Gunnar Larson xNY.io - Bank.org 917-580-8053 ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> Date: Mon, Oct 28, 2024, 2:41 PM Subject: Moynihan Train Hall at Penn Station Logo Artwork Records To: Records_Access <Records.Access@exec.ny.gov>, dhr.dl.foil < foil@dhr.ny.gov> Cc: cypherpunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> Dear Executive Chamber Records Access: Dear Department of Human Rights Records Access: Today xNY.io - Bank.org seeks access to records and information related to logo and artwork for Moynihan Train Hall at Penn Station: https://m.facebook.com/MoynihanTrainHall/. Season's greetings, Gunnar ✌️ -- Gunnar Larson xNY.io - Bank.org 917-580-8053