Fauci as inconsistent and politically expedient as ever, and the US People pay him over $425k/yr for this bullshit... Fauci Flop-Flops Again: Christmas Is Back On... For The Vaxx'd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VhGkNP9Lv4 Fauci's Ongoing FUD Nonsense Late last week, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the highest paid bureaucrat in the entire federal government said during a weekend interview that it's "too early to tell" whether Americans should be allowed to gather with their family members on Christmas this year, potentially opening the door to another holiday of isolation. The comment - despite Dr. Fauci's frazzled insistence that he had once again been "taken out of context" - unsurprisingly shocked millions of Americans, who have already sacrificed one holiday season (last year's) to government-imposed COVID restrictions. At the time, Dr. Fauci was speaking on Face the Nation, telling CBS News host Margaret Brennan that whether "we can gather for Christmas, or it's just too soon to tell." This came just one day after Fauci was asked by whether “we can gather for Christmas, or it’s just too soon to tell." "You know Margaret; it’s just too soon to tell," Fauci responded. "We’ve just got to concentrate on continuing to get those numbers down and not try to jump ahead by weeks or months and say what we’re going to do at a particular time. Let’s focus like a laser on continuing to get those cases down. And we can do it by people getting vaccinated and also, in the situation where boosters are appropriate, to get people boosted." And so, unsurprisingly, Dr. Fauci did another interview late Monday, spent the time desperately backpedaling his comment about the possibility of another ZOOM Christmas, while chiding the media for taking his comments (which seemed clear enough to us) "out of context". So let's let the audience be the judge. Here's Dr. Fauci's Face the Nation interview from last week. Speaking Monday during an interview on CNN, Dr. Fauci backpedaled his prior remarks, insisting his prior remarks on holiday gatherings were "misinterpreted" and "taken completely out of context". Right now, Americans can fully expect to spend the holidays with their families, Dr. Fauci said (of course, this presumably precludes the emergence of another "hyper-threatening" COVID strain). "I will be spending Christmas with my family, and I encourage people, particularly the vaccinated people who are protected." Yet, Dr. Fauci of course added a giant caveat on to all of this: if COVID numbers start to climb again - an inevitable result (according to Dr. Fauci) of not enough people getting vaccinated - then the restrictions on movement and freedom could always be reinstated. He concluded by saying "I encourage people, particularly the vaccinated people who are protected, to have a good, normal Christmas with your family. But … the way all of the other disinformation goes around, you say something talking about a landmark of a time, and it gets misinterpreted that I’m saying you can’t spend family Christmas time, which is nonsense. You can." Here's that clip below: Fauci walks back Christmas comments. Tells Americans to have a “good, normal Christmas” with their families. pic.twitter.com/HnaM2uYKAH — The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) October 4, 2021 Assuming the virus continues to wane, Dr. Fauci would probably be correct about a low-maintenance holiday. But as with everything else, the next scary variant headline, or surge in cases across one or two states with lower vax penetration, could cause all of that to change. Fauci Isn't Sure You Can Gather For Xmas, But Is Sure You Must Give Up Your Individual Rights https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/10/fauci_isnt_sure_that_you_can_ga... https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-business-health-europe-norwa... https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20211002_15/ https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1444738950761943040 https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/10/03/fauci-to-republicans-face-reality... https://www.injuryattorneysofcalifornia.com/articles/what-are-the-leading-ca... The highest paid bureaucrat in the entire federal government went on Face the Nation yesterday and let his mask slip. He might as well have put on a Grinch costume when he responded to a question from host Margaret Brennan on whether or not people could gather for Christmas this year and answered that it is too early to tell: HOLIDAY LOOKAHEAD: "It’s just too soon to tell," Dr. Anthony Fauci tells @margbrennan when pressed whether or not people can safely gather together for Christmas this year. He says the country should instead concentrate on getting COVID cases down. pic.twitter.com/ey0ft9aCOh — Face The Nation (@FaceTheNation) October 3, 2021 Fauci wasn’t questioned about why wealthy and sophisticated countries like Norway and Japan are returning to normal life, joining Sweden, which has never engaged in the historically unprecedented move of quarantining healthy people, not the sick. [ZH: Fauci also wasn't questioned about something else...] Instead, Fauci wants to focus on “cases” – which means people testing positive for Covid, not people actually requiring treatment. Nor has he been willing to credit the powerful, and long-lasting natural immunity that recovery from Covid confers, making the risky experimental gene therapy “vaccines” that he and President Biden are pushing (and bullying people into accepting) unnecessary. But even worse was a brief statement that ought to raise the hackles of anyone who cares about the liberty our entire system of government was instituted to protect: “There comes a time when you do have to give up what you consider your individual right of making your own decision for the greater good of society." DR. FAUCI ON VACCINE MANDATES: “There comes a time when you do have to give up what you consider your individual right of making your own decision for the greater good of society." pic.twitter.com/LCkPLOFlqy — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) October 3, 2021 That’s more or less the totalitarian’s position on everything. The collective good outweigh your personal autonomy. Despite being utterly blatant in this statement, Fauci reverted to his characteristic slipperiness in his appearance on CNN’s State of the Union. He deflected any reckoning with the health consequences – indeed the madness -- of letting hundreds of thousands (estimated 400,000 in just the next month) untested and in many cases Covid-positive illegal entrants come across the southern border and distributing them across the nation. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head and chief White House medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that Republicans need to “face reality” and realize immigrates are not “the driving force” of the coronavirus pandemic. It is obviously harmful to allow infected people into the country and to transport them to locations all across the nation, He doesn’t dispute that obvious truth, he merely denigrates its importance because it isn’t “the driving force” of the epidemic (he doesn’t state what that means or what other factor is the driving force. If we assume “driving force” means the number one cause of new infections, the Fauci’s logic could be applied to deaths from automobile accidents. Would he be comfortable downplaying drunk driving because speeding is calculated to be at the root of more fatal accidents than intoxicants? I wonder what MADD would say about anyone who made such an absurd statement.