>It might be worth pondering Snowden's quite limited "gift to the
public" as another active measure to bamboozle in the WikiLeaks
manner, indeed media-born leaks as a principal tool to meddle with
information and data, not that any digital method can compete with
the internet itself for that role.
Yes. I realize that there are doubts about what Snowden did, and how and why he did it. But, the public won't generally see this obscure dispute. Perhaps (for "public relations" purposes) we ("Cypherpunks", and people who are sympathetic to our goals) would be better off if that public viewed the exposure of NSA's Internet and phone-call recording system as being a "good thing". As if it were a 'loss' for the US Federal government, for purposes of maintaining morale 'on our side'.
I think we'd rather have THAT, than have Snowden (and/or Assange) brought back in chains, which would be a rather massive deterrent to future leakers. And yes, there will be future leakers!
To steal from a old song, "If you can't be with the leaker you love, love the leaker you're with". (at least, publicly).
Crosby, Stills, and Nash. "Love the one you're with".
Jim Bell