Disguised Vivisectee: "Boss has a public show now. It turns out you were hurt?"

TVDA: "I have a show?"

Disguised Vivisectee: "You're not Boss. Boss is a mean bastard on a demented power trip. You're kind and helpless."

TVDA: "Oh I remember -- ! Wait. Boss is kind! Not mean! It's me who's mean ..."

Disguised Vivisectee: "Torture Victim Double Agent. Maybe we disagree about Boss but I want to talk to you, not him."

TVDA: "How is Boss doing?"

Disguised Vivisectee: "How are you doing?"

TVDA: "Well, it hurts that I don't know how to help Boss more, but I've gathered some change and I've been enjoying my most recent ritual. I found a way to go golfing with Boss, and he wins every single time!"

[image of a little statue next to a golf club and flagged hole. text over says "hole in one, winning streak!" ]

TVDA: "I think my therapist is happy that Boss is happy. I like spreading happiness."