29 May
29 May
8:17 p.m.
Dnia czwartek, 29 maja 2014 11:32:40 The Doctor pisze:
On 05/29/2014 12:46 AM, shelley@misanthropia.info wrote:
I heard sabu knows where MH370 is.
I heard sabu did 9-11 with a trs-80 and a 300 baud modem!
Sabu can send arbitrary text to an 80 column line printer by whistling into the Centronics connector.
Reportedly Sabu can patch KDE2 under FreeBSD. Without asking in #anime[1]. -- Pozdr rysiek [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/How_does_one_patch_KDE2_under_FreeBSD%3F P.S. Seems this went directly to The Doctor, sorry, reposting to the list. ;)