On 6/17/15, Tim Beelen <tim@diffalt.com> wrote:
On 6/16/2015 7:13 AM, John Young wrote:
WikiLeaks WikiTweets only .05% of Snowden documents have been declassified for release by the spy-micking hoarders, out of nearly 1M. Cryptome tallies 7% of Guardian's magically variable 58,000 or .02% of DoD's defense industry mass overkill 1.7M. The reason for this is the work that /all/ of these institutes do. It is bigger then what an individual or, is some cases, a small group can accomplish. And can easily be undermined if details are published. Who is it to say that what CIA has been doing is not in U.S. best interest. You? Me?
You just bought not only the false presumption, but a logical impossibility - without knowledge in detail of the CIA's actual actions, I am unable to prove their violations. Are you suggesting CIA, NSA, FBI, etc ought do what they will, except ath someone is able to say that what they've been doing is not in U.S. best interest? That sounds inane. I am not even in U.S. nor a U.S. citizen - to me your statement sounds highly problematic and indicative and problematic nationalist think. Yes we need a balance of powers in the world - we need national strength and unity, but this applies to all countries, not just to the U.S.! Collections of power, as happens with govt, attract more power abusers than benevolent dictators, unfortunately. For this reason, a one world government would be doomed from the outset. We need a strong Russia, a strong America, and strong small countries etc. It's the only hope for any long term semblance of balance. If the world we a single U.S.A.W. entity, Snowden could never have happened. Of course Snowden required a courageous individual too, but it would have required someone willing to actually give up the rest of their life if there were no possbility of sanction anywhere in the world. You might reconsider your push to have someone other than yourself somehow prove that the CIA's actions over the decades have not been in U.S. best interests, or that this is a relevant question!