On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 1:55 AM, coderman <coderman@gmail.com> wrote:
it is more private because you are separating domains of communication. the less trustworthy smartphone is used as a network link (cell
Is connecting to a cell hotspot or another phone to use the native cell voice/data (cell) of the cell network even possible?
This is why I still ask this, as being able to use the 'cell voice' or 'cell data/IP net' from an isolated standoff would be useful. Unlike using the common 'WiFi internet' provided by cell hotspot/tether, I've not yet found any protocol, app or hardware for extending either of those two cell network services (voice/data) from the infected baseband device to your isolated secure laptop/pad. Though cell voice/dialing may not actually matter as, unless you needed to do it remotely, you'd just pick up the infected baseband device and use it for only that purpose. Same for cell data. (Cell data is not SMS, fyi). Note this is not the same as using say your home internet or coffee shop wifi to subscribe some voip trunk over the internet. It is directly using/hooking to the cell carriers voice or data channel, like your GSM phone does.
there are many attack methods which can escalate beyond the vulnerable device, however, so this approach must be considered in the context of threat model, and likely insufficient alone.
I was referring strictly to baseband threat, not caring about what is attempted over the WiFi/BT/NFC/audio gap from the baseband infected device to the user's relatively more secure/isolated laptop/pad.