dutiful log: - i got to torproject.org and downloaded the browser bundle there. i haven't been able to complete bootstrapping; i've tried only a couple of the firewall busting plugins. (@19:23) - i can resolve hostnames, so i'm presently trying different irc.oftc.net mirrors to see if i can get into the tor chat and ask for advice. now i'm googling for more oftc mirrors (19:25). i got diagnostic material ... I can reach the oftc.net website but get 'no route to host' when i try to connect to port 6667. On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 7:14 PM Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Note to other laypeople: if this happens to you, the thing to do is to call your ISP and complain, and to not take no for an answer. Keep finding new ways of engaging them, until the situation is resolved, or you are truly satisfied with it being unresolved.
Atm, I'm a guest at my parents' house, they're not here, and I don't know their account number or anything, so I'm prioritising that lower.
On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 7:10 PM Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Today, all of google's services went down this morning, for me. I visited their status page, and they were all down, with a noticed about it. About half an hour later, they were back up.
Right now, it's 19:08-0500, and I can suddenly only reach a handful of servers. All of google's servers work. Most others don't. I can't reach github, I can't reach the tor directory servers, I can't reach most mirrors to perform system updates, but I can reach a handful of system update mirrors.
I'm getting "no route to host" for most ip addresses.
A decade ago I would have been excited to diagnose this in detail, but nowadays with severe schizophrenia it is just making me way more confused.