On Nov 18, 2017 02:19, "Cecilia Tanaka" <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:

Sorry for asking, but what or who the f_ck is "Tim May"?  Zenaan
always mentions this garbage and I feel absolutely no will of
researching more hypocrite nazi white supremacists like him.  After
Zenaan sent that message saying Tim May likes to read about "donkeys'
penises" in the Bible, I really think both are very, very awkward and
sick.  It sounds really creepy and disgusting, ugh!!!  (> .<)*


Sorry, millions of excuses!!!  The retard pervert nazi who Zenaan always mentions is "Gil May" <gilmay97@gmail.com>, *NOT* "Tim May".

God, I was pretty stupid and apologize again, and again...  It was obvious that Zenaan would *never* mention a good security professional, using him as a reference for crypto studies.  

He is even more stupid than me and was just mentioning another Nazi white supremacist garbage like him, not Tim May.

Pardon, Tim May.  You can kick me a lot, sorry!!!  Please, I ask with my whole heart, forgive me!  :(((

Kisses, dear all!  Much love and lots of music in this lovely Friday!  <3


PS:  -  Zenaan, *please* stop being a creepy pervert and sending me pics of nude women, using fake profiles.  When I want to see a beautiful nude girl, I simply use my mirror.  I bet it happens with you too, but you are definitely not beautiful, hahahaha!!!  ;D