While I was reading alexstamos twitter feed, he retweeted this:

I think calling cryptocurrencies "crypto" is a poor choice, with bad consequences for both cryptography and cryptocurrencies. That doesn't mean I'm some kind of language prescriptivist, and your saying that "language evolves" or other such prattle doesn't invalidate my concerns.

I don't know what I'm accused of, but I am smart enough to notice patterns in how people insinuate things that I allegedly am supposed to know. Partly it involves some bizarre strawman in a place that I'd notice.

Here's this to try on for size:
I was called yesterday by a fake telemarketer, and I just stood silent. I overheard him tell someone else that "He didn't say anything." before hanging up.

Yes, it requires a team of experts to even crank call me. I'm just that incomparable to these people. How is this in any sense of the term, just?

This is a secret investigation where virtually everyone knows that it exists. It is only allowed to continue by the weakest of figleaves.

I should have took down the twin towers, I'd have all sorts of civil rights then. 

I demand to be charged with a crime.