On Thu, 15 Oct 2015 12:55:56 +0300 Cari Machet <carimachet@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes reading econ is a super horror ... i have to go back and read naomi klein to get equalibrium ...
For completness sake, I should add that the concept of 'balance of trade' is mercantilistic/corporatist propaganda. It only makes sense from the point of view of governments and companies that interfere with trade and currency markets. In a real free market individuals would trade in a 'peer to peer' fashion and their 'nationality' would be irrelevant. The reasons why the chinese government plays along with the US government are basically two : 1) self-interest 2) nukes pointed at them.
and think about shit that is happening on the ground despite the parasitic cannibal mafia that pretends to be government
Towns even have their own currencies so it could be even more facsistic than it is currently
The US has been buidling the present global econ structure for a long long time
Yes. And western colonialism is even older. Dutch. French. English, Spanish, Portuguese, etc. and unfortunately when i have tried to talk people out of
the system ... like in the middle east ... out of trying to assymilate to the current rating system etc they just are baffled i ask them to make their own system ... they dont think on these terms because the US has indocrinated everyone with hegemony for their own benefit its a horror and sick people could have many more criteria for rating etc change the system... especially the rating system it is complete mafia